Friday, January 15, 2016

Too much sun?

Had to drive into the sun this morning.
There's just no good way to place your sunglasses, visor, hand so that you are not blinded.
Too much sun?

But upon getting out of the car - I turned and saw I was casting the coolest shadow.  Ever wanted to be 100 feet tall?  This was it.  

Was reading Matthew 17:1-13 this morning.
Check it out.
Jesus disciples were overwhelmed by too much sun.
(too much Son?)

Because when the Son shines - it can be hard to handle.
Why?  Because he lights up every flaw, every stumble, every sin.
The 100-foot shadows of my past and my behavior are 100% visible.

And then for the disciples a voice came from the cloud saying "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.  Listen to him!"

This knocked them flat.

And Jesus came and said - "Get up, don't be afraid.".

When I am knocked flat by the Son - lighting up my sin for everyone to see - I am not down for the count.
Jesus holds out a hand and says - "Get up, don't be afraid.".

What?  How?  
Short answer: God's love and being pleased with his Son is mine (and yours) because of what that Son did for us. (for more info click the link at the bottom [What's the big deal about Jesus?])


Thank you Lord for the sun.
And even more, for the Son.
And even more, for what that Son did for me.
And even more, because of that, what you have in store for me (eternal life with you in the heaven).

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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