Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Things that make you go "Whoa!"

Things that make you go "whoa!" (major expelling of air on the "wh" part of it)
- You're sitting at a stop light and another vehicle hits the back end of your car
- A person you thought of as a friend drops you like a rock and insults you
- That test (at school, at work, wherever) that you thought you did so well on came back as a failure
- Fill in the blank here...

Five minutes ago I thought I was here.
Now I'm HERE!

Like the woman who was staring execution by stoning in the face...and walked away unharmed in John 8:1-11.  
Jesus demonstrates the true meaning of compassion.

Or the man who was born blind in John 9.  A man that he doesn't know puts a mud pack on his eyes and tells him to go wash it off.  For the first time in his life - he can see.
Jesus demonstrates compassion again in a different and miraculous way.

Oh - it would be super nice to have a "Whoa! ahead" caution sign to let us know when our "Whoa!" moments are coming.
Alas, life in this sin-sick world doesn't give us advance warning.

BUT - we do have a promise from our Lord.

When the "Whoa!" moments hits you - just fall back.
Into the arms of your Savior Jesus Christ.
He's there, he's waiting, he has got your back.

Whoa, Lord!
Didn't see that coming.
The breath is knocked out of me and I'm laying flat.
Remind me - as I struggle to breath normally again - of that breath of Life.
The one that you've given me at my baptism.
The Holy Spirit alive and active in my life.  Right now!
Faith in You.
Keep it strong in my heart, my life, my "Whoa!" moments.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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