Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 28: (Do the Write Thing) Gonna fly now?

Do the Write thing 30-day series.  (write out this bible passage today - by hand! - in your favorite translation - or at least click the link and read through it...)

Day 28

Psalm 118:15-21
This interesting set of verses if full of joy and optimism.
Except in the middle.  Verse 18 starts "The Lord had chastened me severely..."
And then continues with a BUT.  "but he has not given me over to death."

Reminds me a conversation with my brother this morning.
He recalled a staff minister who reminded him to be aware of what you pray for.
When you pray for strength and patience - it doesn't come magically or instantly.
You only build strength through exercise of your spiritual muscle.
You only build patience by enduring (and learning how to endure).

Then verse 19 continues with joy and optimism again.
Yay God!

Song - Rocky Theme (orchestral)

Give me strength and remind me that it comes from exercise.
Give me patience and remind me the next time I'm about to blow my top.
Give me courage and remind me that it only appears when I'm challenged.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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