Friday, January 29, 2016

(Don't) keep the faith...?

Don't keep the faith, brothers and sisters.

What I mean is – don’t “keep” the faith.  To yourself.
A special gift just for you and your circle of “church friends”.

Our worship service a while ago focused on not “keeping the faith” but “sharing the faith”.

Pastor Daron Lindemann wrote this responsive reading for a worship service.
I’ll share it with you as devotion today.

“Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear to everyone that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear” (Philippians 1:12-14).

Your gospel, Lord Jesus Christ, is the saving promise that you forgive sinners and fortify our faith for this life and eternal life.
What happens to me can advance the gospel.

My family upbringing
Can advance the gospel.

My resilient, worry-free response to stress
Can advance the gospel.

My patience and understanding that shows mercy to others
Can advance the gospel.

My faith that shows itself in godly words, loving acts of kindness, and a commitment to the mission of my church
Can advance the gospel.

When I have complained about my inconveniences and ignored opportunities to act unselfishly,
Others have not seen Christ in me.

When I have remained silent while others profess views that mock you, and neglected my church’s ministry of the Word and mission to the community
My selfish, sinful fears stifle my faith in you.

Forgive us, merciful Lord, and before we share grace with others, first find us in your grace; cleanse us from our guilt, and lead us in obedience.
Lord, have mercy on us.

“I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death … I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith” (Philippians 1:20-25).

Grant each of us sufficient courage to exalt Christ, in good times and bad, in triumph and in pain, in life and even in death.
We are risen to new life, even as Christ is risen!

Design in us a heavenly desire that sees this earth not as our home or destiny, yet a willingness to remain and do your work - mission work - which we cannot do in heaven.
Open our eyes to see those who need you, our hearts to feel compassion, and our mouths to speak your gospel.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Letting your leader lead. (Life in the passenger's seat)

(A guest devotion by my brother Chris)

Letting your leader lead.  (Life in the passenger’s seat)
A study on Mark 8:34-37.

The Message translation states it this way:
34-37 Calling the crowd to join His disciples He said “Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead.  You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.  Don’t run from suffering; embrace it.  Follow Me and I’ll show you how.  Self-help is not help at all.  Self-sacrifice is the way, My way, to saving yourself, your true self.  What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?  What could you ever trade your soul for?”

The NIV reads like this:
34 Then He called the crowd to Him along with His disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me.  35 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me and for the Gospel will save it.  36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?  Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”

When you read through either translation of this section of Mark, it’s relatively easy to understand that Jesus is making it clear that we cannot follow Him AND the world.  If we choose to follow Him, it is all or nothing. 

While we all fall short in this over and over again, the directive is a simple one, and easily understood.  But the wording in The Message translation helped me to relate this to my daily life and to those whom God has placed in positions of leadership over me.

“Anyone who intends to come with Me has to let Me lead.  You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am.”

Imagine these words spoken by your supervisor at work, your Pastor, President of the congregation or Deacon at church,  the coach of you or your child’s sports team or perhaps even the elected and appointed officials in your city, county, state and/or country.  Would you respectfully submit to their directive and follow as requested?  Do you?  I know that I don’t. 

When challenged by my supervisors, at work especially, I tend to get all bent out of shape, emotional and disgruntled.  Who do they think they are?  Are my ideas not good enough?  Don’t they understand the wealth of experience and knowledge that I possess?  See what I’m doing?  It’s not about God’s command to respect and follow the leaders he’s put in place in my life; It’s all about me. 

The Message translation goes on to say “Self-help is not help at all.  Self-sacrifice is the way, My way, to saving yourself, your true self.”   Any lingering doubt what is meant here?  It’s not about me!  I’m not intended to always be in charge.  The people that God places in power over me are to be respected, trusted and followed.  It is NOT God’s directive that I undermine, gossip, second guess and challenge my leaders just because I feel I’m not being taken seriously or valued or appreciated.  This is not to say that I am to allow bad leaders to take advantage of me either, but the command is clear; I am to let my leaders lead.  I am to ensure that the words I say and the actions I undertake are in harmony with each other, clearly pointing to my support of my leader(s). 

In verse 36  (taken from the NIV because I just love the way it reads) it says “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?“   This is the clear consequence defined for us if we choose NOT to let Jesus lead, but perhaps this is why we so often fail to follow our leaders here on earth.  There’s no similarly dire outcome defined for our failure to trust the leaders God has appointed over us.  We allow our sinful nature to rationalize that “respect has to be earned, “ or “my fervent disagreements with that leader’s (insert your pet difference here), justify my rebellion.”

But we’re wrong.  Satan has deceived us yet again.

Our leaders here on earth ARE deserving of our respect, even before it’s earned. 

Our leaders, sinful, flawed and failed just as we are, should be given our trust, our loyalty, our best efforts and most importantly, prayers. 

We pray, dear Jesus, Author of my faith and one true leader.  Help and guide me first to fully trust, follow and obey you as you have commanded.  Also dear Lord and Savior, bolster my will and ability to  willingly, joyfully and graciously follow my earthly leaders.  Remind me to pray for them daily, to give thanks for the challenges and opportunities that they place before me, and to share your love with them in my thoughts, words and actions.   Help me to curb my tongue when I am inspired to speak ill of them, to question their motives or to engage in gossip.  Give me the strength, courage and words needed to address any concerns I have directly with my leader in a respectful, professional and God pleasing way.  Finally Lord, I ask that you help me to accept the decisions of those who lead me with a gracious, open and accepting heart.
In your name we pray, Amen.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Following the (wrong) leader...

My siblings and I are having a devotion each morning using a book called “Handbook to Leadership (Leadership in the Image of God)”.  We’re in the section that focuses on different people in the Bible.

One week the “person” we were studying was Satan.
The ultimate “anti-image of God”.

The wrong leader.
The father of lies.
The reason I stumble and fall (again and again and again).

Today I’ll share some of the scripture and some materials that fill in the picture a little more.
Because if we just view Satan as one-dimensional and something “we can handle” – we’re playing into his hands.

On Monday we read about Satan’s aspirations to be and to be like God.
These are in Isaiah 14:12-15 – inside of a warning to the king of Babylon.
The final verse tells us  the results.

This devotion points out the “bewares” and cites several passages (have your Bible handy)

This post delves into the biblical background of the fall of Satan.

Thank you for our study on Satan.
You want us to know our enemy so that we can stop him in his tracks.
Guide us as we seek and learn more about him in your Word.
And always fix this thought in our minds – “God’s Son has set me free!”.
Free! Free! Free!
Satan – you’ve got nothing!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Monday, January 25, 2016

As good as new?

Doesn’t it feel great…
-          To be in the “getting better stage” of being sick or injured?
-          To work out your differences and get back together with someone you love and care about?
-          To find something that you were just sure was “lost forever”?

Why – it’s “as good as new”.

Or is it?

If you’ve had a sports injury – do you feel like you are now “as good as new”?
If you’ve had major dental work – does it feel “as good as new”?
When you’ve patched things up after an argument – is it really “as good as new”?
Or is there still some pain, some guilt, some remorse stuck in the corner there.

In this sin-sick world – it seems impossible for something to be “as good as new”.
Sin sticks to and taints everything!
What seems like “the best ever” in the moment is now not good enough.

God sure brings this point out in Hosea 3 (warning – PG-13 material in Hosea).
He’s trying to bring the sin-sick Israelites back to him by remaining the faithful husband.
(and having the prophet Hosea live this out to demonstrate it)

There is one instance of “as good as new”.
One that really, truly is the “the best ever”.
It’s our relationship with God, of course – which was perfect in the Garden of Eden.
Then it was broken by sin.
And restored “as good as new” by Jesus (see Romans 3:21-24).

God has “set things right”!
Hello, my name is…redeemed!

Thank you Lord…
for bringing me back and making me BETTER than new!
I can’t imagine how great it will be in heaven with you – but it’s fun to try!
Love you – talk to you later.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Friday, January 22, 2016

Arguing...with God

Guest devotion from my brother Chris

Arguing With God 
Isaiah 1:18­-20

"Come, sit down.  Let's argue this out..."
Have you ever said these words to a co­worker?  A family member perhaps?  A neighbor?  For many, arguing is something to avoid at all costs.  We fight to avoid conflict.  For others, confrontation is the best way to bring things to a head, get them dealt with and move on. Which group do you fall into?  Do you look forward to an argument?  Do you cringe at the thought of raised voices and heightened emotions?  Regardless of your answer, imagine now that it's God asking you to sit down and argue.  I don't know about you, but the thought of arguing with God terrifies me.  What could I possibly have to say to support my stance?  He is perfect.  I am the opposite.  He created this amazing world AND me; everything I've ever done is filth in His sight.  This is not going to go well.

In the section of scripture we're considering today we read...
"This is God's Message:
If your sins are blood red, they'll be snow white.  If they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool."  No argument from me!  This is GREAT news.  Unearned salvation and the COMPLETE washing away of all my filthy thoughts, words, actions; sins.   Well...that wasn't so bad, right?  Wow, what was I so worried about?  This arguing thing is a piece of cake!   But wait, there's more.

"If you'll willingly obey, you'll feast like kings..."  Uh­oh.  This part sounds like it relies on me. That's where the argument begins.  Time and again I commit to doing the right thing.  Thinking only good thoughts.  Saying only good things.  Doing only good things.  Time and again, I do the opposite.  I continuously fail to willingly obey.  So, it looks like I'm not going to be doing any feasting, that's for sure.

"But, if you're willful and stubborn, you'll die like dogs.  That's right, God says so." Gulp... Willful and stubborn?  That's me alright.  I know what's right, but choose what's wrong.  I try, but fail.  Over and over, I fall short.  I'm like an obstinate child who continuously disobeys.  My punishment is death.  There's no way out of this argument.  I was right to be afraid.

Wow...this argument isn't going well at all.  As I imagined, my chances of winning an argument with God are not good.  I'm doomed; crushed by the weight and reality of my hopeless situation and guilt.  I am worthless.   Wait.  I hear someone speaking; arguing on my behalf.  Who would bother to stand up for me when I continually prove my worthlessness?

The one who argues on my behalf is none other than the one who condemns me.  The Son, 1/3 of the Triune God, comes to my rescue, puts on my sin and argues with His Father on my behalf.  WOW!  The argument is won.  I am saved.  I continue in my daily struggle to do right, think right, live right, NOT out of fear or guilt or some misguided belief that I will earn my way to Heaven.  Instead I strive to live a life pleasing to God to show gratitude for the gift he has given me.  He argues on my behalf when I am unable to do so.  GREAT is our God!
We pray, Blessed God.  Thank you for creating me.  Thank you for sustaining me.  Thank you for condemning me in my sin to make it clear that I cannot do this on my own and to prepare me for the unimaginable gift you gave me in Your Son, who argues on my behalf and wins the argument to grant me eternity in paradise.  Amen.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Pfoggy in Pflugerville

It's one of those wonderful/terrible mornings.
Dense fog.  Slight wind. Not too cold (stop snickering - you up north residents...).

I love them.
It's so quiet.
Everything is bathed in a diffuse glow (that's the streetlight across from my house on my phone home screen).

And...I dislike them.
It's so quiet - you can't hear when something dangerous is coming up to you or behind you.
Everything is bathed in a diffuse glow and it's hard to make out what things are.
Since I'm a bicycle commuter - this is a very dangerous day for me.

My lights are very important.
Lighting up my path ahead.
Showing people that I am there.

John 10 is an example of dense fog and lights shining through it, I think.
The chapter starts with Jesus saying "Let me set this before you as plainly as I can..." and after he does we hear "...Jesus told this simple story, but they had no idea what he was talking about.".

So Jesus tries again, explaining in a different way.
Read the rest of the chapter and see how Jesus shines the light of the Gospel and his love to all (even when they have no interest in listening).

Thanks for your patient explanations (over and over).
Remind me that I need to have this same patience with my friends, family, co-workers.
If they don't "get it" - how else can I say it?
Kindly, patiently, caringly.
Please and thank you.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Things that make you go "Whoa!"

Things that make you go "whoa!" (major expelling of air on the "wh" part of it)
- You're sitting at a stop light and another vehicle hits the back end of your car
- A person you thought of as a friend drops you like a rock and insults you
- That test (at school, at work, wherever) that you thought you did so well on came back as a failure
- Fill in the blank here...

Five minutes ago I thought I was here.
Now I'm HERE!

Like the woman who was staring execution by stoning in the face...and walked away unharmed in John 8:1-11.  
Jesus demonstrates the true meaning of compassion.

Or the man who was born blind in John 9.  A man that he doesn't know puts a mud pack on his eyes and tells him to go wash it off.  For the first time in his life - he can see.
Jesus demonstrates compassion again in a different and miraculous way.

Oh - it would be super nice to have a "Whoa! ahead" caution sign to let us know when our "Whoa!" moments are coming.
Alas, life in this sin-sick world doesn't give us advance warning.

BUT - we do have a promise from our Lord.

When the "Whoa!" moments hits you - just fall back.
Into the arms of your Savior Jesus Christ.
He's there, he's waiting, he has got your back.

Whoa, Lord!
Didn't see that coming.
The breath is knocked out of me and I'm laying flat.
Remind me - as I struggle to breath normally again - of that breath of Life.
The one that you've given me at my baptism.
The Holy Spirit alive and active in my life.  Right now!
Faith in You.
Keep it strong in my heart, my life, my "Whoa!" moments.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Oh, brothers...

Oh, brothers...
I'm the oldest and even at age 50 I like to give my little brother a hard time.
Because I'm still the oldest and wisest, of course.
(Hey, stop snickering)

Interesting little dialog in John 7:3-8 between Jesus and his brothers.   TIP: Read around it for more context.
(Yes - Jesus had younger brothers.  Technically half-brothers - since Joseph was the father for the brothers.)

Imagine - for a moment - growing up as Jesus' younger brother. Wow.  Talk about mom and dad having high expectations for you.

But at the same time - imagine how hard it would be to get over your disbelief that your big brother is the Son of God.  The Messiah.  Quite a challenge.

A challenge that was too hard for them to overcome in these verses.
Compare their words with Jesus stinging but on-the-point response.

Eventually - Jesus' brother James became a leader (and Bible book author - inspired by the Holy Spirit) in the early church following Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension.
See James.

Lord thank you for this tidbit of insight into the daily life of Jesus.
Simple things like dealing with brothers and family.
Showing us that our harshest critics are often those closest to us.
(and ourselves...)
Grant us patience and peace.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Election time?!?

Ah...election time.
But not what you're thinking...

Check out Ephesians 1:4-6.
This is totally different kind of "election process".
If you are a Christian - then God is saying that before time began, before the creation of the world, he voted for YOU!

Voted for you to be adopted as his child.
Someone very special to Him.

Pastor gave a great illustration in our worship service.
He offered someone sitting in front a $100 bill.  Crisp, shiny, new.
They said - sure - they'd take it.
Then he folded it up and creased it up.  He asked if they still wanted it.
They said - of course.
Then he crumpled it up and made it all messy.  He asked if they still wanted it.
They said - yes.

Because it still had it's full value.

And God in verse 6 freely showers his grace on us.
No matter how crumpled up and messy we are - we retain our value to him.

Not rejected based on how well we are doing.

I know - this is some advanced theology coursework here, folks.
And the only way we can really "get it" (understand it) is through faith in Jesus Christ.
Questions - talk to your pastor about it.
I guarantee he would love to hear from you!

Father in heaven,
Thank you for signing the adoption papers before I even existed.
Thank you for not abandoning me even when I walk away.
Bring me home!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Friday, January 15, 2016

Too much sun?

Had to drive into the sun this morning.
There's just no good way to place your sunglasses, visor, hand so that you are not blinded.
Too much sun?

But upon getting out of the car - I turned and saw I was casting the coolest shadow.  Ever wanted to be 100 feet tall?  This was it.  

Was reading Matthew 17:1-13 this morning.
Check it out.
Jesus disciples were overwhelmed by too much sun.
(too much Son?)

Because when the Son shines - it can be hard to handle.
Why?  Because he lights up every flaw, every stumble, every sin.
The 100-foot shadows of my past and my behavior are 100% visible.

And then for the disciples a voice came from the cloud saying "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.  Listen to him!"

This knocked them flat.

And Jesus came and said - "Get up, don't be afraid.".

When I am knocked flat by the Son - lighting up my sin for everyone to see - I am not down for the count.
Jesus holds out a hand and says - "Get up, don't be afraid.".

What?  How?  
Short answer: God's love and being pleased with his Son is mine (and yours) because of what that Son did for us. (for more info click the link at the bottom [What's the big deal about Jesus?])


Thank you Lord for the sun.
And even more, for the Son.
And even more, for what that Son did for me.
And even more, because of that, what you have in store for me (eternal life with you in the heaven).

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Too much yeast?

I used to make pizza once in a while.  The recipe called for using yeast.

Yeast is kind of tricky stuff - you have to mix it with the right stuff at the right temperature and let it sit for the right amount of time.

Yeast doesn't belong in every recipe, though.

I found it interesting how yeast came up as I read in Matthew (16:5-12) and Mark (8:13-26).  
Jesus mentions yeast in passing.
His disciples were confused - to say the least.

Jesus cleared it up for them - just like he does for us through his Word.

Not tricky stuff at all - as long as you are in the right stuff for the right amount of time.  (temperature may vary)

Hey Jesus,
So much of what I see confuses me.
It's such tricky stuff.
Lead me back to the comfort found in your Word.
Help me see how important it is to spend quality time in it.
And to see the blessings you sprinkle all over my life through it.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Too much luxury?

The Element Hotel
My problem is that I've got too much luxury.
Even worse - I don't appreciate it.

I'm sitting here in a way fancy hotel room in Houston - well rested, well fed, internet at my fingertips (obviously).
And thinking I'd rather be somewhere else.
Thinking I wanted to sleep later.  Wondering why they can't start serving breakfast at 6 AM instead of 6:30. 
Oh, poor, pitiful me.

Yeah, right.

This is me not appreciating the luxurious blessings overflowing my world right now.
Not that I'm supposed to brag on them.
But just notice, realize, understand - where the goodness, the luxury, comes from.

Like the Israelite people talking to God as the book of Malachi starts (Malachi 1:1-5).
God says "I love you" and the people respond with "Really?  How?".

And God proceeds to remind them.
The rest of the chapter is an interesting conversation between God and belligerent stubborn people.

Sound familiar...look familiar?

Oh, yeah - poor, pitiful me.

Help me drop the pity act.
And take on the salvation promise.
Won for me through Jesus Christ.
Given to me freely - the most luxurious gift of all - 1000% guaranteed!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day Next?: (Do the Write Thing) Your turn...

Day Next?

We've completed the 30 day "Do the Write Thing" series.  Now what?
What short sections of scripture would you suggest for a another series (to appear later)?
(optional) What songs would you suggest with them?

Use the comments to give me your suggestions!

Thanks for the opportunity to gather around your Word with all these fellow believers in Jesus Christ.  Help us to "do the write/right thing" every day!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?