Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Arguing with God

(guest devotion from my brother Chris)

Arguing With God
Isaiah 1:18-20

"Come, sit down. Let's argue this out..."
Have you ever said these words to a coworker?
A family member perhaps? 
A neighbor? 

For many, arguing is something to avoid at all costs. We fight to avoid conflict. 
For others, confrontation is the best way to bring things to a head, get them dealt with and move on. 

Which group do you fall into? Do you look forward to an argument? Do you cringe at the thought of raised voices and heightened emotions? Regardless of your answer, imagine now that it's God asking you to sit down and argue. I don't know about you, but the thought of arguing with God terrifies me. What could I possibly have to say to support my stance? He is perfect. I am the opposite. He created this amazing world AND me; everything I've ever done is filth in His sight. This is not going to go well.

In the section of scripture we're considering today we read...
"This is God's Message :
If your sins are blood red, they'll be snow white. 
If they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool."

No argument from me! This is GREAT news. Unearned salvation and the COMPLETE washing away of all my filthy thoughts, words, actions; sins. Well...that wasn't so bad, right? Wow, what was I so worried about? This arguing thing is a piece of cake! But wait, there's more.

"If you'll willingly obey, you'll feast like kings..." 
This part sounds like it relies on me.
That's where the argument begins. Time and again I commit to doing the right thing. Thinking only good thoughts. Saying only good things. Doing only good things. Time and again, I do the opposite. I continuously fail to willingly obey. So, it looks like I'm not going to be doing any feasting, that's for sure.

"But, if you're willful and stubborn, you'll die like dogs. That's right, God says so." 
Willful and stubborn? That's me alright. 
I know what's right, but choose what's wrong. I try, but fail. Over and over, I fall short. I'm like an obstinate child who continuously disobeys. My punishment is death. There's no way out of this argument. I was right to be afraid. 

Wow...this argument isn't going well at all. 
As I imagined, my chances of winning an argument with God are not good. I'm doomed; crushed by the weight and reality of my hopeless situation and guilt. I am worthless. Wait. I hear someone speaking; arguing on my behalf. Who would bother to stand up for me when I continually prove my worthlessness? 

The one who argues on my behalf is none other than the one who condemns me. The Son, 1/3 of the Triune God, comes to my rescue, puts on my sin and argues with His Father on my behalf. WOW! The argument is won. I am saved. I continue in my daily struggle to do right, think right, live right, NOT out of fear or guilt or some misguided belief that I will earn my way to Heaven. Instead I strive to live a life pleasing to God to show gratitude for the gift he has given me. He argues on my behalf when I am unable to do so. GREAT is our God!

We pray, 
Blessed God. Thank you for creating me. Thank you for sustaining me. Thank you
for condemning me in my sin to make it clear that I cannot do this on my own and to prepare me for the unimaginable gift you gave me in Your Son, who argues on my behalf and wins the argument to grant me eternity in paradise. 

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