Thursday, September 3, 2015

Frank David

[Guest devotion from my brother Chris]
Frank David
Psalm 6 devotion

The Psalms are often cited for inspiration, calming, strengthening and guidance.  

Consider the 23rd Psalm.  It flows effortlessly from the mouths of the majority of Christians and offers hope, peace and comfort, speaking of a caring, loving and actively involved God who is our keeper and shepherd through life's troubles and travails.  

David's inspired words in the Psalms can serve as spiritual solid ground in an otherwise shaky world.

The Psalm we're considering today is very different from the 23rd Psalm.

The Message translation's clear, plain and simple verbiage speaks to my heart directly, so I have chosen to cite it for Psalm 6 for the purpose of this study.

Psalm 6: 1-3
"Please God, no more yelling, no more trips to the woodshed.  Treat me nice for a change; I'm so starved for affection. Can't you see I'm black and blue, beat up badly in bones and soul?  God, how long will it take for you to let up?"

How many times have you been in the place David was when he wrote this?  
How often have you felt like you simply couldn't take anymore and that you'd somehow lost God's favor?   

There are two biblical characters that always get my attention with their bold, somewhat audacious approach to God; They are Moses and David.  

I used to judge them both quite harshly thinking, "I'd never address God, the creator of all things, in such a disrespectful manner!"  I was wrong though.  

God WANTS us to be frank and honest with him.  He WANTS us to speak to him directly, openly, honestly.   He already knows what truly lies in our hearts.  

When we sugar coat, soft sell, or tone down our words out of some misguided desire to show respect for God's feelings, we miss out on realizing the potential peace that can come from an honest, sincere prayer conversation with God.   

David isn't being disrespectful here, he's "saying it like it is".  He's being frank.  Let's consider the next verses to see how he continues this prayer conversation with his Creator.

Psalm 6: 4-7
"Break in, God, and break up this fight; if you love me at all, get me out of here.  I'm no good to you dead am I?  I can't sing in your choir if I'm buried in some tomb!  I'm tired of all this - so tired.  My bed has been floating forty days and nights on the flood of my tears.  My mattress is soaked, soggy with tears.  The sockets of my eyes are black holes; nearly blind, I squint and grope."

Think to the times of extreme trial in your life.  The times when things were so dark that you wanted to scream out to God and beg him to stop it all; to take away the pain and sorrow and suffering.  

Did you?  Did you follow David's example and speak your feelings in vivid, bold, audacious detail?    

God loves you, so much that he gave He sent Jesus to take your place and buy your freedom.  

Imagine then that a God who loves you THAT much would love to HEAR your voice.  

Speaking to him daily about your successes and failures.  
Your fears and concerns.  
Your questions and triumphs.  

David shows us that God wants us to cry, laugh, sing, question, scream and be real in our prayer conversations with God. 

To bring this short Psalm to a close, David offers us the hope that we too can have EVERY time we pray to our God.

Psalm 6: 8-10
"Get out of here, you devil's crew: at last God has heard my sobs.  My requests have all been granted, my prayers are answered.  Cowards, my enemies disappear.  Disgraced, they turn tail and run."

Dear Lord, use David's example of frank, honest and real prayer conversation with you to inspire me to do the same.  Reassure me that you, my active and living God, hear and answer my prayers.  In Jesus name, Amen.
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