Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Live from WELS Tech - Just where are those intersections again?

WELSTech 2015 #welstechconf

Saturday, July 11th 2015

Keynote Speaker
Martin Spriggs
Just where are those intersections again?

10,000 hours principle (Malcolm Gladwell)
To master a craft - you need to practice a task or discipline for 10,000 hours.
  • So - if you took a 10 minute shower every day - starting when you were born - you’d achieve master at age 164
  • WELSTech podcasts - 400 podcasts - 1 hour long = not going to get to master anytime soon

But collectively - we can get to 10,000 hours pretty quickly.
This conference has brought the idea and experience holders together with those who are looking for ideas and willing to gain experience.

Martin’s pet project for a few years has been the WELS Mobile app - intersection of technology and ministry.  WELS links and resources in your pocket.  Look for it in your app store.

Recommended book:
What’s Best Next - by Matthew ???
The importance of creating a routine in your life.

In this case - the importance of making the time for a personal intersection of tech and ministry.
Achieving a routine of daily time in the Word.

Jonathan was in a camp with about 600 men.
The Philistines were basically just around the corner.
Jonathan sneaks out - takes his armor-bearer with him.
Didn’t tell dad (King Saul) what he was doing and just snuck out.

Then he did something amazing.
He said - where is the intersection - between God and this war with the Philistines?
He told his armor-bearer that God was going to let them know what to do next.
He didn’t have it all planned out.
Was he scared?

We are surrounded by our own Philistines.
Everything about our physical world.
And it scares us.
When have you been most afraid?
When in your life have you been absolute - i have no control here - afraid?

Why did Jonathan leave the camp?
He thought that absolutely something needed to be done!
And it wasn’t happening.

#1 Jonathan was a RISK TAKER.
You, at this conference, are a Jonathan.
Willing to find out how we can use technology and ministry to battle our Philistines.
We have crawled out of our holes.

#2 Jonathan DIDN’T GO ALONE.
He took his armor bearer.
The armor bearer said - I am with you HEART AND SOUL.
100% committed.

Have you found your armor bearers at this conference (or in your life)?
Other’s who are kindred spirits?
Who share your heart and soul for sharing the Gospel?
Your passion. Your drive. Your vision.

We pray that you have.
People who are willing to share the experience and expertise from their Philistine battles.
Not always success but experience.

Technology idolatry - it blinds us.
We are here at this conference because we are.
Are you more excited about a trip to the Apple Store or Best Buy than Sunday Worship?
Are you more excited about that package of tech from Amazon?
Or the announcements at E3?

Are you blind, too?

TASK: Count the number of people in white shirts passing the ball to another person in the white shirts.
Are you done?
If so - read on.

You didn’t see something that’s really obvious because you were focusing on your task.
What you thought - what you were told - was important.

The voices we hear every day draw our focus
They tell us what is important.
And we see and follow it blindly.
But are we focused on the right things?

The apostle Paul was...
You’ll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God’s master stroke, I didn’t try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified.

#3 Have A Ridiculous Focus on Ministry
Jonathan snuck out with one goal.
He had a ridiculous focus on
defeating the Philistines (if God willed it).
Lead on God - and I will follow!

#4 Trust God...Not Yourself
Jonathan had a light-bulb moment - when the Philistine responded with the “Come on up here.” command.
Jonathan’s response -  “The Lord has given them into the hand of Israel”

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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