Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hero or Zero?

(originally written in January 2015)


So the Dallas Cowboys had 12 wins and 4 losses last season.
They had a phenomenal December and broke many team records.
But since they lost to the Green Bay Packers on Sunday in the playoffs they are now WORTHLESS, it seems.
By virtually any measure, this was a successful season for the Cowboys. But there was no sense of accomplishment this day. … “The only accomplishment would have been winning the Super Bowl,” safety Barry Church said.
I don’t know about you – but that’s really annoying to me.
It’s the thing that I hate about competition.
You’re either a hero or a zero.
I mean – come on – winning 75% of your games has to count for something…

Where would people get such a “it’s one way or the other” viewpoint?

This may be a stretch – but I’m wondering - maybe from God’s examples?
Heaven or hell?  (there is no in-between)
What does God say to being perfect (not sinning) 75% of the time?  Or 99% of the time?  Or 99.99999% of the time?
He says GUILTY. 
Punishment = Hell (eternal separation from Him).

I’m 100% absolutely a zero in God’s perfect eyes.

I used to use the illustration with Sunday School kids that we were going to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies.
Who wants a cookie?
And I was going to mix in just a tiny teensy little bit of dog poop into it – just a speck.
Who wants a cookie now?

We’re focusing on the “Rich Young Ruler” in MatthewMark and Luke this week for our sibling devotions.
The guy who thought he was all chocolate chip and no dog poop.
Jesus surprised him with answers that he didn’t expect.

WELL – it sounds pretty hopeless…
Jesus’ disciples asked him (Luke 18:26) “Then who has any chance at all”/“Who then can be saved?”.

But THANK GOD – that our God is also a God of grace who takes our impossible absolute zero and turns it upside down.
By sending Jesus to take my 50%, 80%, or 99.9999% sin record and wiping it clean.

Our bulletins this past Sunday had two blank pages at the beginning.
One of our worship singers noted – “Oh – look – pastor included a list of my sins in the bulletin”.
The sins that our God doesn’t see anymore – because of Jesus.
White as a blank piece of paper.

I’m now 100% hero in God’s eyes.
Welcome to join him in heaven when my life is done.
Well done, good and faithful servant.

Amen to that!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
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What's the big deal about Jesus?

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