Friday, August 26, 2016

Stories that burn

In Luke 24:13-32 we hear the story of two disciples of Jesus who forgot.
They were so caught up in their own minds and lives that they forgot Jesus' promise to rise again from the dead in three days.

BTW - This was on the third day after Jesus crucifixion.
Jesus appeared and was walking with these two disciples.
But the two disciples forgot so thoroughly that they  didn't even recognize Jesus.

So Jesus recalled for them the prophecies and stories that foretold His coming and what he would do for the world.
He connected all the dots for them and they were amazed.

When it was all over and Jesus had left them - they said...
"Were not our hearts burning within us?..."

Stories have a way of doing that to us.
They burn pictures and information into our minds and hearts.
We don't forget them.

Think about burning a CD-ROM.
You use a laser to burn data (music, words, documents) onto a shiny metal disc.
It's permanent.
It can't be unburned.

Think about wood burning (a hobby that isn't as popular now).
You use a very hot tool to burn a message or picture into a piece of wood.
It's permanent.
It can't be unburned.

The stories from God in the Bible burn their way into our hearts, too.
That's why we buy, keep and remember Bible story books for our children.
David and Goliath.
Joshua and the Battle of Jericho.
Noah and the Ark.

THE BEST PART is they are NOT just stories.
Not just made-up fables or fairy tales or myths.
They are truths.
Amazing truths (like those I mentioned above) - but truths nonetheless.

Truths of a God who loves his creation so much that he'll do anything for them.
Including give up his own Son, Jesus, to save them.
To save you.
John 3:16-18

Dive into God's Word and get some heart burn today!

Give me some heart burn today!
Through your Word - of course.
Love you!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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