Monday, August 15, 2016

Best. Coach. Ever.

The summer Olympics are happening right now.
You hear many of the athletes crediting their coach for their success.
You hear things like... that moment - I could hear my coach's voice telling me...
...All the training, all the advice, all the pep talk - it added up to this.
...I would not be here today if it weren't for my coach.

And you may have heard a couple of athletes crediting their Coach.


US diving duo David Boudia and Steele Johnson proclaim Christ on TV after bagging Olympic silver

"The two were interviewed after their win and while Boudia said there was so much pressure on them. he spoke of how focusing on Christ got them through it.
"It's just an identity crisis. When my mind is on this [diving], and I'm thinking I'm defined by this, then my mind goes crazy. But we both know that our identity is in Christ, and we're thankful for this opportunity to be able to dive in front of Brazil and in front of the United States. It's been an absolutely thrilling moment for us," he told NBC, according to the Christian Examiner.
"The way David just described it was flawless – the fact that I was going into this event knowing that my identity is rooted in Christ and not what the result of this competition is just gave me peace ... and it let me enjoy the contest," he said.
He added, "If something went great, I was happy. If something didn't go great, I could still find joy because I'm at the Olympics competing with the best person, the best mentor – just one of the best people to be around. God's given us a cool opportunity, and I'm glad I could come away with an Olympic silver medal in my first-ever event."


Even though they call out Jesus Christ (the Son of God) specifically - the "coach in their heart" is the Holy Spirit.  
As the Third person of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) - the Holy Spirit is IN THEM.  
The Holy Spirit is IN YOU and providing the gift of faith.

The faith that makes it possible to "know that your identity is rooted in Christ" (as David Boudia put it).
I am so glad and so thankful that you're with me.
That you're in me.
Giving the advice, spurring me on, providing the pep talk.
Thank you!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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