Tuesday, March 1, 2016

this + this + this = amazing

My brother and I were discussing how little things can add up to amazing.

In the world of technology...

  • A phone (which knows where I am) + A map + Knowledge of road construction = A customized route map
  • A camera + A multi-language dictionary + A screen = the ability to point the camera at a road sign in another language and see it in my language
  • A microphone + A multi-language dictionary + A screen = the ability to listen to people talking in another language and see what they are saying on my screen

In the world of salvation...
A promise (see Genesis) + A plan (see The Old Testament) + A Savior (see Jesus Christ) = Eternal salvation for me.  
Just for me.

As I read through the Gospels I have come up to the Good Friday events.
I am again amazed at all the "little things" that were fulfilled - the pieces of the plan that came together.
God's amazing, amazing plan.

You bring all the little things together in such a mind-boggling way that I can't appreciate it completely.
The technology is your gift to us.
Salvation through Jesus Christ is your GIFT to us.
Thank you.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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