Monday, March 7, 2016

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!
It's the birthday of someone special today (my mom).
It is in my life - maybe in yours too!

What's the best gift I can shop for?
How much did we spend last year?
What's better than last year's gift?

Why are these the wrong questions...?

Because God - the best gift giver of all - teaches us that it's not the shopping or the price tag or the "better than last year" that matters.

Need proof?
John 3:16-17

The best gifts don't have a price tag.
An unexpected hug.
Making dinner.
A phone call just to say hi and how are you doing.
Remind me to think better, not bigger.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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