Monday, June 15, 2015

A gift that keeps on giving

When someone gives me a gift - they are hoping I will use it.
They don't expect me to toss it in the trash or in a drawer.
And in some cases - maybe the only reason they are giving it to me is so I will use it.

Examples - 
- A bicycle to encourage exercise and "getting out of the house"
- The kitchen item on the wedding registry list that will encourage healthy eating
- A Bible or hymnal to encourage and support spiritual health

Grandparents may "get" this concept the most - where you give someone something that you know will do them a lot of good - but only if they use it.

When you thank them for it - they may say "you are welcome".
But perhaps in their mind they are saying "you are welcome - now USE IT!".

Which make me wonder...what about the gift of faith that God has given to me?
When I say "thank you" is God saying "you are welcome - now USE IT!"?
No - not really - but he does want us to know how great and precious that gift is.
He wants me to realize how it changed me (from "lost and condemned" to "saved and free").

It's the difference between "Faith in action" and "Faith inaction".
Mixed in my life vs. tossed into the trash.

God's inspired James to give us a terrific "how tutorial" for this precious gift of faith.
From James 2:14-26.
- "Do you think you'll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything?"
- "Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove."
- "that seamless unity of believing and doing"

But be careful - These passages are often misused as a "law hammer" to guilt or force us into good works.  And the devil loves to twist this passage in our minds to say "if you want to go to heaven - you have to do this".  That's wrong!

The free and full gift of forgiveness is already a done deal.
Jesus took care of that 100%.
No works that I could or can ever do are necessary for my ticket to eternal life.

My "thank you" to God shouldn't be heard in words - but in my life.
Time to walk the talk!

Lord - 

Put my faith into action.
Use me today to help your kingdom come!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?