Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hidden In Plain Sight

Happy day!

I remember back around 1976 my dad was growing this big fancy mustache.  Twirly with mustache wax and everything.  And I was amused to find there was a group called “Brothers of the Brush” (shaving brush, that is) for those growers of “facial foliage”. 

Duties of members are as follows:
1.    Agree to maintain some facial growth of the bewhiskered type.
2.    Such facial splendor to be exhibited from Jan. 1 through week of April 8.
3.    Facial foliage must be permanent in nature and visible at a distance of not less than eight paces.
4.    The brush must be well groomed and a credit to the honor and prestige of the Brothers of the Brush.
5.    Membership button must be displayed in forthright manner and subject to inspection by fellow brothers.

The members are pretty obvious and easy to pick out.

But not so much with us Christians. 
What distinguishes us from everybody else?

This week I stumbled across another believer at work. 
How did I know?  It was hidden in plain sight in his email signature.

I clicked the link (of course) which took me to the list of “whatever is true, whatever is honest…think on these things” passage.
We had a great email exchange.  He’s from the Philippines and very active in his congregation there – but left home and church to join HP in Malaysia a month ago.

I don’t know why it surprised me to find a brother in Malaysia.  But it did.  It surprised him, too – to find me.
Far from home at a new workplace – a brother in Christ.  A Rock to anchor with. 

I believe that everywhere we’ve moved (Fargo, Flint, Dallas, Watertown, Austin) we’ve found instant connections in God’s family.
Those the first people really get to know…and inevitably – we find we already have other connections we didn’t even know about – making it a truly “small world”.

You know  – the family of believers is unlike any other group or social connection you have.
It doesn’t matter what you look like, where you live, how much money you make, how “good” you are at something or your political views.
There are no membership dues, entrance exams, tryouts or required certifications.

What an incredible blessing to have this instant always-on support system.
One-on-one relationships that really mean something and mutually benefit all.
It is rooted in deep, deep, deep shared beliefs in Jesus Christ and salvation from sin.
And if you’ve ever tried to pull something out that is rooted deep – you know how impossible it is!

Philippians 4:4-5
4-5 Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!
Fill yourself up with Philippians 4.

Thank you God for hiding this incredible support system in plain sight.
Lead me to hoist my faith banner for all to see.
To be a light to those stumbling in the darkness.
Don’t let me keep it under a bushel, NO!


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