Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A dynamic duo...

Name some “dynamic duos”...
-          Batman and Robin
-          Laverne and Shirley
-          Brad and Angelina
-          Priscilla and Aquila

Priscilla and Aquila?
Before a week of devotions with my siblings on them – they wouldn’t have been on my list.
They are at the top now.

Check this out…
Notice – in the Bible you never see Aquila without Priscilla.

Take a few minutes to introduce yourselves to them in Acts 18.

You can see - we don’t get to know too much about them – just some snapshots about things they did.
-          They make tents.
-          They took a friend in need (Paul) on as a business partner.
-          They joined him in ministry (uprooting home and family).
-          They mentored a phenomenal evangelist (Apollos).
-          They hosted “church” in their home.
-          They make tents.

I am in danger of reading (things the Bible doesn’t say) into their relationship.
But the fact that they are always mentioned together says something to me.
The Bible doesn’t mention their trials, problems, arguments or failings (though I’m sure they had them).
They must have had loads of forgiveness and patience and love.
They must have just “completed each other” in their talents and skills.

What great role models for us!
Not role models that make me comfortable – mind you – it sure shows that I have a lot of “room for improvement”.

Could I be part of a dynamic duo?
Yes?  Of course?  With you?
Oh – yeah – you’ve told me that
Help me to “get it” and just do it.
Thank YOU!

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