Monday, June 22, 2015

Persistance Prays

[I am delighted to share some wonderful notes from Pastor Lindemann's sermon at church yesterday as my devotion thoughts this morning!  Been thinking about it ever since then...]

FYI - Audio and video files are available at (It's from 21 Jun 2015 and it's called "Persistence Prays"). 

We've just started a summer series about Prayer. 

Pastor really painted pictures with words in yesterday's sermon so I recommend taking the time to listen to/watch the sermon if you can.

The sermon was based on Luke 18:1-8 and also included references to the Old Testament reading from Genesis 18:20-33.

Both Bible readings above paint a picture of persistence.
Persistence that is not punished.  Persistence that is rewarded.

Jesus example of persistence in Luke 18.  
"...and there was a widow" (v.3)
Jesus picks an unlikely subject to paint a picture of persistence.

Why don't I pray persistently?
Is it because...?
- I think "who am I to ask God".   I think it's based on my performance or ability to measure up.  
- I'm embarrassed or ashamed by my prayer life.  I haven't been around for so long I'm sure God doesn't want me to bother...
- I prayed for something fervently last time and didn't get the answer I wanted.
- I'm thinking - why bother?

Those things aren't why I don't pray persistently, though.
I don't pray persistently because I don't believe.
Plain and simple - there it is.  
I don't believe that it will work or that I'm worthy or that I need it.

God says - "pray continually".  
No conditions.
No exclusions.
No need to stop for any reason.

OK - I get it - I don't believe.
But believe what?

  1. Believe that persistent prayer is OK!
    • Read verses 2 and 3 of Luke 18 - "...and there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him."
    • Remember who you are and to whom you are speaking.
    • Luke 11:9 is a famous passage
      • A = Ask (and it shall be given)
      • S = Seek (and you shall find)
      • K = Knock (and the door will be opened)
    • NOW - does this mean your prayer will be answered the way YOU wanted it.
    • No - but it will be answered in one of four ways
      • 1) Yes
      • 2) No
      • 3) Yes, but not right now
      • 4) Yes, but I (the Lord) have a better answer than what you thought of
  2. Believe that persistent prayer ASKS.
    • Read verse 8 of Luke 18 - "he will see that they get justice, and quickly"
    • 4 Examples of persistent prayer and the surprising resolutions
      1. Genesis 32:22-32 - Jacob wrestles with God, wins and limps away
      2. Exodus 17:10-12 - Moses "hands up" wins the day, eventually
      3. Colossians 1:9 and 4:2 - Paul prays and promotes persistent prayer
      4. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Persistent prayer plainly put
    • PUSH it by praying persistently
      • P = Pray
      • U = Until
      • S = Something
      • H = Happens
  3. Believe that persistent prayer is better.
    1. Verse 7 of Luke 18 - "Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?"
    2. You will find that God has been asking, seeking and knocking, too.
    3. Look at verse 1 again for proof that persistent prayer is better - "Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."

So - this week - what one thing will you pray about persistently.  
One week.
One thing.
Let's see what the Lord has in store for you!

You give me permission to call you anytime, 24/7.
And not just passive permission.
You're knocking and I'm sitting on the couch.
Get me off the couch.
And onto my knees.
In persistent prayer.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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