Thursday, April 2, 2015

Don't believe it, they're just words...

I am going through a Bible reading schedule that walks me through the Bible chronologically (in the order that things actually happened).
Every day – I have just one chapter to read.
Every day – I am tempted to just read the words.
Tempted with “Don’t believe it, they’re just words…”.

I supposed some of it is the same reason I use in school and at work.
It’s an assignment.  Something to get done.  An item on the to-do list to check off.
Look for the important bits.
The bits that will be “on the test”.

That is SO not how I should read my Bible.

And do I REALLY believe that words are “just words”?
Did you have a cruel childhood nickname (or at least one you didn’t like to be called)?
Did just thinking about it make your stomach jump and your teeth grind?
Yes, and yes?
But aren’t they “just words”?

Or on the other side – when you receive the unexpected compliment…
A heart-felt and unasked for “I love you” from a child…
A cat saying “you are the best person in my whole world right now” in their purr as you rub behind their ears.
Just words?


Why – even when words are just sound bites – they are not just words.
See politics.

But – now that I’ve thoroughly distracted you…
Today’s reading was Isaiah 58.

It accused me of using “just words” and empty actions to express my faith.
“busy, busy, busy at worship” – hmmm – that sounds like me.

…And then clearly explaining the expectations for me.

And promising rebuilt foundations and full lives for you and me.

Tempted with “Don’t believe it, they’re just words…”.
Believe it!
They’re JUST words!
Straight from God.

May your life glow in the darkness for all to see today!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)

TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

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