Friday, April 3, 2015

Be Still My Soul

How's your "stillness quotient" today?
Is your "To do" list longer than the number of hours in the day?
As you read this - do you have the nagging feeling that you're late for something?

For Christians - today - of all days - is a good day to be still.
This is Good Friday.

When we lived in the Dallas area our church (Atonement Lutheran) held a special worship service that started at noon and went for three hours.

They're having that service today - Pastor Belter tells about it on the web site...
And I quote:
"Tre Ore is latin for 'three hours'.

From the sixth hour until the ninth hour, darkness covered the land (Matthew 27:45).” From noon until three, as our Savior hung on the cross, darkness was everywhere. The sun stopped shining and God’s Son took the full brunt of the Father’s anger and wrath for our sin. 

We remember the sacrifice, the suffering, of our Savior during these hours, but most importantly his love for us, to endure such hardship and suffering for us. Now we will never have to face punishment for our sins.

The Tre Ore service is a series of seven meditations based on Jesus' 'seven words' from the cross."

If your local church has a Tre Ore service today and if you can make the time to participate in this stillness and reflection - do it.  If not - attend a Good Friday service this evening.  You will NOT regret it.

If not - I have some Alternative Stillness methods
1) There is an exhibit currently on view at the Hirschhorn Museum in Washington DC.  We were there a couple of weeks ago and it was absolutely amazing.  The exhibit is called "Days of Endless Time".  If you can get there to see it (it ends on April 6th), go.  

If not - then taste a sample in David Claerbout's video called "Travel".  It is 12 minutes of slow-moving stillness-inducing bliss (in my opinion).  

Find an un-interuptable place, get some headphones on, turn the lights down, and watch Travel (by David Claerbout) in full-screen mode.

2) Now that Travel has quieted your mind - go to A Quiet Place (by Take 6).

3) And from your quiet place - you, dear friend, will Be Still My Soul (by Libera)

Enjoy the peace and quiet promised by our Lord in Isaiah 32:15-20.

Slow me down.
Hit my pause button and help me to reflect on your love and sacrifice - for me.
Show me how to live this peace that goes beyond my understanding.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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