Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cntl-Z (Undo)...Like!

You know - I really like Cntl-Z (Undo).
It's one of the greatest things about working with software.
My mistake(s) - UNDONE!

Even better - when they allow me to undo everything I did one step at a time.

If only I could Cntl-Z (Undo) the things that I personally do.

Wow - if I could just unspeak what I've said.
It brings to mind the chorus of the Howard Jones song "Bounce Right Back"
"Button up and tighten your lip, keep a check on what you say.
Those crazy words you fling from out of your mouth will bounce back on you someday."
But of course - I can't Cntl-Z (Undo) my words.

I can't unsee what I've seen, either.
The devil knows how our bodies and minds work - and uses that to tempt us at every turn.
I could page through almost any magazine in my home and find a blatant example.
One that shows me I'm not thin/strong/sexy/clean/perfect enough.

Or worse - leads me to think things that I can't unthink.
Down the road to pornography or other addiction.
(aside - a friend of mine at work here as been through this journey and co-founded the site mychainsaregone.org with others who have been down this road)

If only I could Cntl-Z (Undo) the things that I do.
I can't do it...but God can.
And did.

God sent his Son - who didn't speak, see or think anything wrong.
And then sent his Son to the cross to take all my wrongs on him.
And die for me.
And rose again to prove that Cntl-Z (Undo) IS DONE for me.
(See Easter)

In Isaiah 43:25 God says "I, even I, am he...who remembers your sin no more."
My sins are forgiven.
My sins are forgotten.
My slate is wiped clean.

I love how the apostle Paul puts it in his letter to fellow pastor Titus.
In Titus 3:3-7 - he reminds me what I was before becoming a follower of Christ ("stupid and stubborn" - sounds like me). 
And reminds me what I am now (washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit).
And where I'll end up (heaven).

Dear God,
Thanks for technology that let's me undo some of my wrongs.
And thanks for salvation that takes care of the rest of them.
Lead me to "thanks-living" so that the rest of my world sees that, too.


Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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