Wednesday, February 24, 2016

First name basis

Who are you on a first name basis with?
Your family - probably.
Your friends.
Close co-workers.

Your boss?
Your pastor?

I want to be on a first name basis with people I trust.
And I like to hold at arms length those that I don't trust.
Because they might hurt me.
They might "throw me under the bus".

What name basis are you on with Jesus?
Holding him at arms length?
Because bringing him closer might hurt?
Might mean changing a few things?

Jesus wants to be on BETTER than a first name basis with me.
He wants to be on a first HEART basis.

But He knows I can't get there on my own - so he sends a friend to help!
John 14:15-21

With the faith kindled by the Holy Spirit - I don't want to hold Jesus at arms length.
I want to bring him in for a big bear hug!


Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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