We hear a lot of complimentary titles for Jesus these days. Benevolent fraternal organizations refer to him as the architect of the universe. Counselors suggest him as a wonderful friend. World religions agree that he's a great prophet. Your friend at work invokes him as an inspirational teacher.
These identities of Jesus aren't really saying anything bad about Jesus. But neither are they saying enough.
Jesus once asked his disciples who they thought he was and …"Simon Peter answered, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God'" (Matthew 16:16).
To say that Jesus is the Christ is to mean that nobody else in all the universe completes the crossword puzzle of prophecies in the Old Testament cluing the world into the exact identity of the Savior. That's quite an exclusive claim!
Peter is saying that John the Baptist isn't a Savior, Elijah isn't a Savior, Moses and the prophets aren't a Savior. If you agree then you're saying that Allah isn't a Savior, Buddha isn't a Savior, Mohammed isn't a Savior, Peter isn't a Savior, Mary isn't a Savior, and certainly some nondescript and mystically spiritual force isn't a Savior.
Jesus is "the Christ," literally "the anointed one," appointed and authorized by God as the only qualified Savior.
Jesus replied to Simon Peter, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah," (note here that Peter had commented on Jesus' lineage and now Jesus comments on Peter's lineage) "for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood but by my Father in heaven" (Matthew 16:17). In one statement of both condemnation and commendation, Jesus makes Peter a promise that he is blessed. Why?
He's blessed in spite of the fact that his human lineage makes him a sinner by birth. Peter's conviction is in no way the product of his own reason, superior intellect, meritorious quality in himself or outstanding effort.
Are you the exception to this grace for some reason? Is it true what your conscience whispers to you during a sleepless night that you're just not good enough for Jesus to care about, listen to, help, and forgive? To be honest, Peter – the almost drowning, often disagreeing, three times denying disciple – wasn't good enough either. Jesus reveals his saving love not to those who are so "good" they don't need it but to those who aren't good enough.
That's Peter. That's you. "Blessed are you," Jesus says to you, delighted to be not just the Christ of the world but your personal Savior. The only Christ and Savior.
PRAYER: Christ, my Savior, make my witness as bold and clear as Peter's confession and testimony. When I have my doubts as to your loyalty then take me to the cross where you proved your love for me and won my forgiveness forever. Be a Savior to all those in this world who look with false security and empty hope to idols or religious figures who cannot save them from sin and guilt. Use me as your witness today. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Take time this weekend to watch this 5-minute video called The Messiah https://youtu.be/3dEh25pduQ8. What did it help you appreciate about Jesus as the Christ (Messiah) in a new way?

Daron Lindemann
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