Someone needs you to be a friend to them today. God wants you to know and believe that you can be that friend. It starts with Jesus.
Never fake, always faithful, your friend Jesus loves you with a sincere love. Who needs your love to be more sincere?
Jesus rebukes evil and chases temptation from bullying you, providing you opportunities to do what is right. What group of friends needs your help to avoid evil and pursue good?
Jesus prayed, "Father forgive them," for his enemies. Who is an enemy you can pray for and forgive?
Jesus welcomed strangers and shared his greatest gifts with them. Who is estranged from the church or homeless, needing your hospitality?
Jesus wept with Mary and Martha and celebrated with his disciples. Who needs your companionship in a time of grief or a time of joy?
So, as a friend of the resurrected Jesus, empowered with his love, be a better friend. "A friend loves at all times" (Proverbs 17:17).
There's a service that will provide you, for a fee, someone to pretend to be your friend—to take to the club, the gym, the symphony, or the company fundraiser. Jesus has a better idea. How about living, dying, and rising for someone he calls his friend. That friend is you.
Jesus' idea—yes, his command and promise—is that you befriend others like he has befriended you.
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you are the perfect friend. You love at all times. I have taken your friendship for granted, and pray that your love forgives me, that our relationship continue in grace, and that I more fully enjoy you this week. Share love, forgiveness, encouragement, and help with others through my friendliness. Make me a better friend. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Read John 15:12-17. Take it slow. Is it possible for you to love others like Jesus loves you (v. 12)? Of course it is, or Jesus wouldn't "command" it. Are you someone Jesus calls friend (vv. 13,14)? Of course you are, even if you haven't perfectly done what he commands. Because in v. 14 he plainly says "I have called you friends." So it is not your behavior that makes you a friend of Jesus, but that by grace he declares it to be, he calls it what it is, he calls you his friend, he chooses you (v. 16). He laid down his life for you, after all. Commit to 5 minutes of prayer about this. Meditate on Jesus as your friend, and his promises of loyalty here. Ask him to help you be a better friend.

Daron Lindemann
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