Jia Jiang knocked on the door of a complete stranger in Austin, TX and asked if he could play soccer in the man's backyard. He requested a "burger refill" at a restaurant. And he went viral with his video where he asks a Krispy Kreme Donuts clerk to make him a chain of donuts that look like the 5 colorful rings of the Olympics logo.
Why did he make these strange requests? In order to overcome his fear of rejection.
In his TED Talk https://youtu.be/-vZXgApsPCQ Jia Jiang recaps childhood and adulting memories of rejection, and his journey to overcome its pain. It resulted in a video blog he created over the course of 100 days. Each day he'd ask someone (usually a stranger) something so ridiculous that they'd surely say no. He hoped that being rejected often enough would desensitize him to the pain.
What actually happened? Jia Jiang learned more about how to not be rejected. He has written book titled Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible through 100 Days of Rejection.
I think it's a worthy adventure! And I can't help but compare his journey to the rejection Jesus experienced. Jia Jiang even mentions Jesus in his TED Talk as someone who turned rejection into a learning opportunity. Jesus appears in the same line as Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
These are great men. Along with Jia Jiang who is really onto something here. But none of them are equals to Jesus. Because Jesus' rejection wasn't a learning opportunity for him. It was an act of saving forgiveness for you.
Jesus experienced rejection—from the crowds, from the Jewish and Roman authorities, from his own friends, and even from his Father in that moment of ultimate spiritual agony on the cross (Mark 15:34). Not to learn from it. Not to turn it into an opportunity for himself. Not to desensitize himself to it.
Jesus was rejected to suffer the justice and punishment for your sins, so that you would never be rejected in the same way.
He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain … For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. (Isaiah 53:3,12)
Jesus was rejected for you. For sinners. That rejection saved us, forgave us, and will be the reason God welcomes into heaven anyone who believes in Jesus.
PRAYER: Oh, Jesus, your agony of pain from the beatings, the crown of thorns, the cold iron spikes piercing your flesh, it had to hurt so much. Even more, the pain of rejection. I admit to fearing rejecting, too, even rejection from God. My conscience convicts me, and my feelings of shame constantly harass me. I'm not always convinced that God forgives me. Your saving work and words promise me that these are lies, that there is no rejection for me because of my sins, that you have experienced it for me. Make me bold in my faith that receives this gift of grace. Encourage my spirit to live more joyfully, aware that my sins are forgiven and I am free to live confidently and unafraid. Teach me, yes, but more than that, save me, forgive me and strengthen me. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Spend at least 15 minutes exploring Psalm 118:22-24.
- Picture a construction crew erecting a stone wall, going to a pallet of stacked stones and carefully selecting each one for its place on the wall. Stone after stone, until a few stragglers are left at the bottom of the ballet with other little broken pieces, and the crew moves on to another pallet. That rejection is what you'll read about Jesus in v. 22. It continues, however, that this construction crew is not responsible for your forgiveness, salvation, and new and improved life of faith. "The Lord" (v. 23) is. What has he done with the stone the builders rejected (v. 22)?
- What is our response (vv. 23,24)? When does this happen (v. 24)?
- Use these key highlights to say your own prayer to Jesus. Enjoy the song called Cornerstone https://youtu.be/Fl15U2ifYzo.

Daron Lindemann
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