God is attentive.
It doesn't matter that it's bitter cold at the time of year we normally call spring. God isn't hibernated deep in a dark cave. And when your boyfriend breaks up with you, or your boss lets you go, or your big project is ruined … it doesn't mean God was too busy helping other people.
God is aware.
We call it mindfulness. According to mindful.org, mindfulness is being "fully present" and there's "awareness to what you're directly experiencing." As an everyday example, it's taking time to pause and breathe for a moment when your phone rings, instead of rushing to answer it.
God always answers thoughtfully.
We can say to him like the writer of Psalm 8:
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them? (Psalm 8:3,4)
With appropriate wonder and awe, we're amazed that the God of the universe is connected to us. We seem so insignificant compared to the stars. Not in God's heart. Recall that at creation God said a word to create the stars, but personally molded a pile of soil to make humans and breathed life into us.
God acts on our behalf.
So, be mindful of God today. Because he's mindful of you.
PRAYER: Dear God of the universe, you are so immense and indescribable that it's hard to imagine that you connect personally with me. Cover my lack of comprehending you with your promises that assure me that you are mindful of me in a way I'll never understand, yet sometimes see by faith. Guide my thoughts to be less focused on fear, shame, anger and guilt and freed from lies that Satan wants me to believe. With the gravity of your gracious, saving activity attract my mind, my feelings, and my inner life toward you, above the circumstances and experiences of this day. And comfort me with the assurance that you know me, care for me, and fill my day with peace as I trust in you. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Psalm 8. Notice the bookended theme of the psalm in vv. 1 and 9. Verses 1 and 2 announce that God's glory is proclaimed in the heavens (by the moon and stars, v. 3) and also where? Verses 5-8 remind us that after creation God appointed mankind to rule over the earth. What a privilege that God asks us to supervise what he has worked to create! How does this make a difference for your consumption of resources? your generous sharing of blessings? your care for your own health and the health of others?

Daron Lindemann
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