Monday, August 31, 2015

You thank God for...

(since the last time I published your responses...)
You thank God for...
Colored markers...

  • our loving, faithful, adorable lapdog
  • physical therapists who make me accountable
  • The cop who was clearly annoyed with me for 'speeding' through a school zone but only gave me a ticket for not having the right address on my ID. 
  • daily devotions in my inbox
  • When life knocks me down God has provided me trials and feats of strength 
  • spring
  • warm weather
  • Holy Week 
  • Easter
  • Sunshine
  • Eyes to see, Ears to hear and a heart to receive and believe 
  • The joy that He brings in His promise and people in the body who pray for me! 
  • colored markers
  • Days that end in "day"
  • His protection
  • PTs who video me going through my paces trying to get insurance to give me more sessions!  
  • B. Arthur
  • The discernment of the Holy Spirit and when He subtly and not so subtly reminds me of His presence. (Praise God!)  
  • forgiveness
  • loving pets
  • a loving husband
  • being in control of everything!!!
  • safety
Thank you and thank God for you!

I thank God for...

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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