[guest devotion from my brother Chris]
A Lesson From Job - "Wisdom From the Unwise"
In the book of Job there are four primary characters. Job, of course, is the main character in the book which recounts a celestial challenge and the resulting patience, faith and trust that Job showed in response to unspeakable sorrow and loss.
The other 3 main characters in the book are Job's 3 friends, who come to console, counsel, then rebuke him. The best of intentions may or may not have been at play, we cannot be certain, but the result of their "help" is clear. It missed the mark. They did more damage than good. Let's take a look at each of these 3 men more closely to understand the wisdom that these 3 "unwise" men have to share with us in our lives today.
Bildad (Job 8:1-7)
Bildad's error lay in his failure to consider the big picture of God's plan for Job. When I compare myself to Bildad, sadly I find that we have much in common. I too often rush to judgement without having all the facts. I take some of the facts and form my opinion, the march full speed ahead with my assumptions in tow, laying waste to those who think differently than I do, simply because I'm convinced I'm right. My wife can attest that my stubbornness often causes me to lose sight of the bigger picture, especially God's bigger picture. I lash out, react emotionally and ultimately veer away from the path God has laid out for me. How many opportunities to do good, to share His good news, to influence others for Christ, do I miss out on when my blindness causes me to lose sight of eternity; the big picture?
Elihu (Job 34:10-15)
As the youngest of Job's advisers, Elihu's counsel most closely reflected God's answer to Job. Because of Elihu's inability to communicate (as our devotion says "poor communication skills",) he was unable to convey the message effectively enough to get Job to listen, buy in and understand. Of all of Job's friends, I relate to Elihu most of all. He knew the answers. He waited patiently to speak out of respect for Job and those with him. He possessed the most wise and "God like" thinking of the 3 of them. But what tripped Elihu up was his inability to communicate. I am Elihu. I know the answers. As I age, I've learned to wait, to study, to listen, before rushing in to speak. (I say I've learned, but this is still one of my greatest challenges.) More often than I care to count, my own mind, tongue and sinful heart work together to make a mess of the Message. God has written it on my heart. He has shown me unearned love, Grace and mercy through the sacrifice of His own Son. He has sent His Holy Spirit to fuel, enrich and grow my faith an understanding. He does all this and I mess things up by opening my mouth.
Every time I read or study within the book of Job, I always leave in awe of Job's strength and patience. I also leave with a fitting and apt case study in the ways that God uses the unwise like myself, to work His perfect plan.
Closing Prayer (Job 42:1-6)

In the book of Job there are four primary characters. Job, of course, is the main character in the book which recounts a celestial challenge and the resulting patience, faith and trust that Job showed in response to unspeakable sorrow and loss.
The other 3 main characters in the book are Job's 3 friends, who come to console, counsel, then rebuke him. The best of intentions may or may not have been at play, we cannot be certain, but the result of their "help" is clear. It missed the mark. They did more damage than good. Let's take a look at each of these 3 men more closely to understand the wisdom that these 3 "unwise" men have to share with us in our lives today.
Bildad (Job 8:1-7)
Bildad's error lay in his failure to consider the big picture of God's plan for Job. When I compare myself to Bildad, sadly I find that we have much in common. I too often rush to judgement without having all the facts. I take some of the facts and form my opinion, the march full speed ahead with my assumptions in tow, laying waste to those who think differently than I do, simply because I'm convinced I'm right. My wife can attest that my stubbornness often causes me to lose sight of the bigger picture, especially God's bigger picture. I lash out, react emotionally and ultimately veer away from the path God has laid out for me. How many opportunities to do good, to share His good news, to influence others for Christ, do I miss out on when my blindness causes me to lose sight of eternity; the big picture?
Eliphaz (Job 4:7-8)
Eliphaz's belief that Job was being punished for his wrong doing, peppered his entire interaction with Job and led him to the wrong conclusions. Much like Bildad, Eliphaz allowed himself to draw a conclusion; the wrong one. Clearly, Job must have done SOMETHING to earn this response from a loving God. "Confess your hidden sin and all will be well with you", Eliphaz was in saying to Job. While confession is a vital part of our daily journey and reconciliation with our sinful selves and perfect Savior, we should never assume that by confessing our sins, our lot in life will suddenly improve. God doesn't promise that he'll keep our path in this life free from obstacles, hardships or challenges. What he DOES promise is that he WILL see us through. He will keep us secure to the end. Eliphaz missed the mark here completely and, as a result, lost the ability to connect with Job and offer him guidance and support. How often do we jump to conclusions and miss the mark?
Eliphaz's belief that Job was being punished for his wrong doing, peppered his entire interaction with Job and led him to the wrong conclusions. Much like Bildad, Eliphaz allowed himself to draw a conclusion; the wrong one. Clearly, Job must have done SOMETHING to earn this response from a loving God. "Confess your hidden sin and all will be well with you", Eliphaz was in saying to Job. While confession is a vital part of our daily journey and reconciliation with our sinful selves and perfect Savior, we should never assume that by confessing our sins, our lot in life will suddenly improve. God doesn't promise that he'll keep our path in this life free from obstacles, hardships or challenges. What he DOES promise is that he WILL see us through. He will keep us secure to the end. Eliphaz missed the mark here completely and, as a result, lost the ability to connect with Job and offer him guidance and support. How often do we jump to conclusions and miss the mark?
Elihu (Job 34:10-15)
As the youngest of Job's advisers, Elihu's counsel most closely reflected God's answer to Job. Because of Elihu's inability to communicate (as our devotion says "poor communication skills",) he was unable to convey the message effectively enough to get Job to listen, buy in and understand. Of all of Job's friends, I relate to Elihu most of all. He knew the answers. He waited patiently to speak out of respect for Job and those with him. He possessed the most wise and "God like" thinking of the 3 of them. But what tripped Elihu up was his inability to communicate. I am Elihu. I know the answers. As I age, I've learned to wait, to study, to listen, before rushing in to speak. (I say I've learned, but this is still one of my greatest challenges.) More often than I care to count, my own mind, tongue and sinful heart work together to make a mess of the Message. God has written it on my heart. He has shown me unearned love, Grace and mercy through the sacrifice of His own Son. He has sent His Holy Spirit to fuel, enrich and grow my faith an understanding. He does all this and I mess things up by opening my mouth.
Every time I read or study within the book of Job, I always leave in awe of Job's strength and patience. I also leave with a fitting and apt case study in the ways that God uses the unwise like myself, to work His perfect plan.
Closing Prayer (Job 42:1-6)
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