This past Sunday our pastor gave us a lot of food for thought about forgiveness.

We were focusing on the 5th petition of the Lord Prayer ("Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.") Forgiven Followers of a Forgiving God
I always love the "bulleted list" for helping me remember stuff..and Pastor delivered a list of "What Forgiveness Isn't...".
Forgiveness is not...

We were focusing on the 5th petition of the Lord Prayer ("Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.") Forgiven Followers of a Forgiving God
I always love the "bulleted list" for helping me remember stuff..and Pastor delivered a list of "What Forgiveness Isn't...".
Forgiveness is not...
- ...forgetting. It is choosing to not actively remember. We don't and physically can't forget some things (it's the way God wired our brains) but we can choose to not actively remember. That's our choice. God made that choice with Jesus and us.
- Romans 8:32 - He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
- The "graciously give us all things" includes the forgiveness that covers every one of my mistakes!
- ...saying "It's okay.". There is still room for justice and discipline when wrongs have been committed. I don't know about you - but my default line for anyone when they've done something wrong is "It's okay". But I don't usually mean it. I just want this unpleasantness to be over and move on.
- Instead - Forgiveness is saying "I'm okay.". I'm a sinner. Person who wronged me - I live in the same world, make the same mistakes, wrong my family, friends and everyone. And I'm a saved child of God. I know what awaits me in heaven, what my purpose is here on earth - and in light of that info - I'm okay!
- ...ignoring the pain.
- Emotional, physical, spiritual pain - it hurts.
- There is no "man up" involved - let it out.
- Cry, talk, write, sing, scream - don't bottle it up.
- and instead of ignoring - pass the pain to Jesus. He pleads with me to "Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
- ...a project I need to complete.
- It is not a checkmark in my to-do list - "forgive my sister/brother/son/wife/neighbor today".
- It is a process.
- In particular - a prayer-filled process.
- Why? Because forgiveness is God's work - not yours.
- I need Him to help me with this work it in your life.
We sang this hymn on Sunday and it works well as a prayer, too.
Forgive us, Lord, for shallow thankfulness,
For dull content with warmth and sheltered care,
For songs of praise for worldly wealthiness,
While of your richer gifts we're unaware.
Forgive us, Lord, for selfish thanks and praise,
For words that speak at variance with deeds.
Forgive our thanks for walking pleasant ways,
Unmindful of a broken brother's needs.
Teach us to thank you, Lord, for love and grace,
For life and vision, for a purpose clear,
For Christ, your Son, and for each human face
That shows your message ever new and near.
I thank God for...
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