Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Weeds and Words

(BTW - I know this is an odd metaphor...just work with me here, people...)

As I was reading Philippians 1:12-18 - it occurred to me that the relationship between our world and God's Word is kind of like the one between me and the weeds in my lawn.

  • I don't like the weeds in my lawn.  They make things difficult and mess up my beautiful plan.
  • The world doesn't like God's Words.  It makes things difficult (reminding us of our sin) and messes up our beautiful plans for power, wealth, control.
  • Weeds pop up again and again - where I least expect them.
  • God's Word pops up again and again - where you least expect it.

  • Weeds are spread in many different ways.  
  • God's Word is spread in many different ways.

Paul brings up a couple of other good points in verses 16-18.
He mentions that the mechanism to spread God's Word is people.
And they don't all do it the same way.  And there's not only one way.

So as long as it is spread in it's truth and purity - it's a blessing.
That rubs me (and the world) the wrong way because my way is ALWAYS the best.

So to with the weeds - they don't care or worry about how they are spread.
They just do it.
(oh - and here the metaphor falls apart - because most of us don't consider THAT a blessing).

Help me think like a weed to spread your Word.
I know the world doesn't want it.  But it needs it.
And I need to just spread it, sprinkle it, spray it, plant it - wherever and however I can.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
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What's the big deal about Jesus?

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