Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Imitate What Is Good

(guest devotion from my brother Chris)
Children and trained birds like the parrot or parakeet are great mimics.  They willingly repeat what they hear.  Praise God and show selfless love to those around you and your children will most likely do the same.   Do the opposite and the same is true.  

What we speak, our children hear and repeat.  What we do, our children observe and do so in kind.  

I've lost count of the number of times that I've experienced the "painful" realization that the behavior(s) of my children that cause me the most anxiety are those that they learned from me in the first place.

Paul understood our nature and our desire to mimic when he wrote in verse 11 of chapter 1 of 3rd John "Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good.  Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God."

In this letter, Paul is speaking directly to fellow called servant Gaius, but the words he uses speak just as loudly and clearly to us today.  These words convict me of my hypocrisy as a parent, an employee, a leader, a church member and most glaringly as a servant of Christ.  I know what is right to do and say, and choose the opposite.  I know that my words and actions can inspire others to action, either to sin or to seek salvation.  How often have I failed this test?  I choose to mimic the world, and not my Savior.  Forgive me Lord.

Dear Lord, 
Help me to always, and in everything, imitate YOU and NOT what is evil.  
Guide me to speak words of love and encouragement, not hate and derision.   
Motivate me to live my life in selfless service to ANYONE in need and not to make excuses for why I'm too busy or too ill equipped for service.  
Guard my heart, my mind and my mouth from evil Lord, and, if it is your will, use me to set an example for others that leads others to saving faith in you.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
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What's the big deal about Jesus?

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