Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sloppy Living

(Guest devotion from my brother Chris)
Sloppy Living 

It won't come as a shocking revelation when I tell you that sloppy living has become the norm in our society and our world.  Traditional ideals and belief systems are seen as old fashioned, closed minded and judgmental.  Belief in moral absolutes is considered intolerant.  Live it up, enjoy the moment, do what feels good.  These are the modern day mantras.  Tales of Sodom and Gomorrah and the sin that ran rampant there used to turn my stomach; now this level of depravity is on parade everywhere, 24/7.  It's on TV and radio, in print, on the internet and in the words and actions of the world around us.  Has the world gotten worse?  Are we just hearing/seeing it more readily than before?  This is open to debate, but one thing is clear.  Sloppy living has plunked itself down front and center and doesn't appear to be going anywhere.  

God addresses sloppy living through Peter in 1 Peter 1:17. "You call out to God for help and He helps - He's a good Father that way.  But don't forget, he's also a responsible Father, and won't let you get by with sloppy living."

The world WILL continue to get worse, to embrace the darkness and sin and the devil, but this is NOT an excuse to lower our guard and loosen our standards.  This is a challenge that we must be up to.  Just as our parents would reward us when we made wise choices and hold us accountable when we did not, our Father in Heaven has also set clear expectations for us.  Sloppy living will not be tolerated.  We are called to serve.  We are called to live lives that set an example and lead others to the ONLY path to salvation from eternal torment.   Our words matter.  Our choices matter.  Our actions matter.  The world is watching and we need to show them the OPPOSITE of sloppy living.  We need to show them an alternative that leads them to ask "How can I have that?"

Dear Father, I know what is right, but choose what is wrong.  I know the power that my actions and words carry but so often say and do the things that I know are wrong.  Come to me now and in my moments of weakness every day between now and my last breath on this earth to help strengthen me, bolster me and make me fit for the battle ahead.  Precious Lord, I am nothing without you.  


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