Friday, June 17, 2016

Howdy folks!

Romans 16:1-16 contains some Biblical "howdy folks" as it starts out.
Paul is making sure to say hi to people.
Specific people, real people.

People who meant a lot to him.
In the past several weeks I've been reminded that Christianity is all about relationships and not all about rules.
These verses in Paul underscore that.

And Jesus does, too.
The scriptures are full of him talking to and interacting with people.
Meeting them where they are (no matter how lowly or messed up they are).
All about relationships and not all about rules.

Confession time: I'm terrible at maintaining relationships.
Out of sight, out of mind - that's how it works with me.
I have a LOT of room for improvement in this area.

I'm not too bad at following rules.
So - what is more important?

I thank the Lord that He is patient with me (and you and everyone else) as I try to get my act together here on earth.
Never once does the Bible mention your daily calendar, meeting schedule or to-do list.
Always it focuses on you meeting with and dealing with people where and when they were.
Teach me, tell me, explain to me - help me.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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