Monday, May 13, 2019

How do you start a conversation with God?


"Thank you for seeing me, sir." 
"Hello, Mr. McMillen, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir." 
Jeanie just couldn't decide what she'd say as she waited for her job interview. Maybe a simple, "Hi," would be best. Or would that make her seem plain and boring?
"Mr. McMillen will see you now," the pleasant receptionist informed Jeanie with a smile, gesturing toward the vice president's door. As she approached, the door opened. The VP bounced out, extended his hand, and said warmly, "Welcome, Jeanie, have a seat and tell me more about …" She spoke her first sentence naturally and comfortably.
Whether you're meeting someone famous, summoned to give testimony before a judge, or approaching God in prayer, it's intimidating to speak with someone in a position of power or influence. But the best of such people, like the VP who interviewed Jeanie, make the conversation easy and enjoyable.
What have you said to God lately? Maybe you don't know what to say. Then remember that God makes what you say to him easy and enjoyable. How? He's broken the ice by speaking to you first and warmly engaging you in dialogue. "We cry, 'Abba, Father' … we are God's children" (Romans 8:15,16). 
God has made himself easily approachable. He has welcomed you by opening the door through Jesus Christ. To sinners seeking his love he speaks with terms of endearment, gently inviting with words like "child" and "lamb." And he even offers that God the Holy Spirit will translate your mumbling, bumbling prayers into heavenly language. "The Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God" (Romans 8:27). 
God is eager to listen to your voice. He enjoys your words. Praise him. Pray to him. Give thanks to him. It starts with letting God have the first word.
PRAYER: Thank you God, for communicating with me, for speaking truth into me, and for listening with a heart of love. I'd like to talk to you more often. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: For a strong start to the week, read Romans 8:1-17 today. Focus on the work of the Holy Spirit. I count at least 6 descriptions of the new, spiritual life that God gives to you through the work of the Holy Spirit. Can you find them? Meditate on them.

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

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