Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Before you do anything, you might want to ask about this


"God, what should I do?"
When struggling with a decision, that's the most common request of God that people tell me they make. Personally, it's also my own experience, too.
I really like it. Here's why: prayers for things to happen, for God to snap his fingers and fix cancer, for God to create gorgeous weather, for God to do this and do that … tend to remove you from the equation. But God wants to work on you, draw you closer to him, help you grow, and prepare you to become the better self he believes you can be. 
God doesn't just want to change the world around you. He wants to change you. 
But there's a problem. Change is scary. It requires what is uncomfortable. It leads to new adventures instead of well-worn routines. Why take the risk, right? 
So here's another prayer I really like, and it might be a prayer to say before asking God what you should do. Here it is:
"God, what should I believe?"
Before you have the courage to do what you know you should do, you need the conviction that it's the right thing. That it is from God.
When something is important to God, then it is more important than you. That's a cause worth making a change. That's a mission ready for success. God is in it! It requires more than you have because it's bigger than you, so you need God's promises. 
He's glad to give them, to call you outside of yourself so that you must rely on him. Before giving you something to do, God gives you something to believe. Focus your prayers, and your meditation, on that. 
"God, what should I believe?"
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5,6).
PRAYER: God, what should I believe today? Strengthen my conviction of believing that builds up my courage for doing. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Slow down. Plan for at least 15 minutes of meditating in Word and prayer right now, or schedule it another time today. Meditation can't be rushed. Now, read Proverbs 3:5,6 again. 
What part of your heart isn't trusting in the Lord because your own understanding is more important to you? 
What paths forward in your life aren't going your way right now? Or they are unclear or difficult? 
Pray specifically about these, and be sure to ask, "God, what should I believe?" Keep that prayer close to your heart this week, and see what God can do.

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

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