Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You've got a friend in me

(Guest devotion from my brother Chris)
You've Got a Friend in Me

If you're anything like me (I'm sorry), the title of this devotion instantly brought Randy Newman's one of a kind voice into your head singing the theme song to Disney Pixar's movie "Toy Story".   For those who haven't seen the movie, first I question where you've been and how you've managed to escape this classic, but more importantly, it's a timeless tale about friendship, growing up, sticking together and learning to trust each other.  Andy, the main human character, is a boy who loves his toys, his favorite being his cowboy doll named "Woody".  Normalcy and routine are thrown to the wind when "Buzz Lightyear" a futuristic space ranger action figure appears on the scene; Andy's latest birthday present.  Eventually, Andy learns to love both toys and Buzz and Woody become the best of friends and life is golden (until the sequel).

The focus of our Monday devotion this week was friendship in the workplace and the benefits that comes from promoting such relationships.  While the "riding off into the sunset" part of the Hollywood version of friendship stories like Toy Story may not always be realistic, the benefits of caring for and sharing with others IS real and tangible and scientifically proven to improve health, well being and attitude.

So, how does one go about establishing a work friendship you ask?   I'm glad you asked, because this devotion would need to be a short one if you hadn't... :)

1) As with all things - begin with God.  If you're seeking a friend @ work and haven't yet found one, seek God's guidance through prayer.  Not just once, but continual and ongoing prayer.  Be specific in your prayer and in what you ask for.  God invites and commands us to ask for the things we want in prayer.  He WILL bless your efforts in His time and according to His plan.

2) Be patient -  Friendships don't spring up overnight.  They are often the results of unplanned circumstances.  Assigned seating at a class or seminar.  Mixed up mail deliveries.  Having to ride share with strangers.  Joining a bible study or other group.  Remember, friendships aren't a "just add water" endeavor.  The strongest friendships are often forged through much work, perhaps hardship and selfless work.

3) Take it back to God.  In EVERY human relationship, because we are sinful, there will be conflict, hardships, heartache etc...  Keep God inyour relationship and ask him often to bless both of you, especially when hard times come.  Friendships based on shared beliefs, prayer and faith are deeper, richer and more fulfilling for both parties.

This list is by no means comprehensive, but if you're in a place where you simply don't feel your seach for friendship has met with the success you'd hoped for, consider taking it to God for his guidance, insight and assistance.

1 Samuel 20:42 highlights one of the bible's most beautiful and enduring friendships betwee David and Johnathan.  "Johnathan said to David "Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying "The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever."..."

What's your favorite bible friendship?  Mine is the friendship between Jesus and Lazarus, a friendship so deep that it lead Jesus to tears when Lazarus passed away. 

But even more important and powerful and endearing is the friendship our Savior Jesus shared with us when he reached out His arms, allowed Himself to be nailed to a cross and bore the weight of our sins in order to purchase an eternity in heaven for us.  Arms outstretched as if to say, "You've got a friend in me!  I will NEVER fail you, NEVER cause you stress, NEVER break your heart.  You've got a friend in me!"


Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
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What's the big deal about Jesus?

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