Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Special Assignment!

(Guest devotion from my brother Chris)
Special Assignment!

It was the proudest moment in my young life when Mrs. Munsch, my 3rd grade teacher, asked me to her desk to give me a special assignment.  She trusted me to show the other students "the ropes" as we began the school year.  In giving me this assignment, Mrs. Munsch made me feel special and important.  I was motivated to do my best for her because she had trusted me to take on this task.

What makes this all the more special was that this was the beginning of my second year in 3rd grade.  I'd been held back because I simply wasn't where the other students were.  This decision crushed me.  I felt stupid, slow, singled out.  Life wasn't fair.  I'd spent all of the time since my mother and father had informed me of their decision, pouting, sulking, worrying and dreading the first day of the next school year.  But one special assignment made all of the negative disappear.

Paul's opening words in 2 Timothy 1 are "I, Paul, am on special assignment for Christ, carrying out God's plan laid out in the Message of Life by Jesus."

Writing this devotion today I genuinely felt the pride and joy that had filled me up when my first leadership assignment was given to me many years ago.

I have to wonder though, why don't I wake up each day feeling that same pride and then some?  My God has worked the miracle of faith in my heart through the Holy Spirit.  My God has sacrificed his only Son and purchased my salvation, freeing me from the eternal punishment that is rightfully mine.  My God has given me the special assignment of proclaiming this to the world, in my actions and words.   Yet I so often approach this assignment as a chore, a task...work.  This assignment is more special than any other.  This assignment is to be at the core of who I am, what I'm about and what I do.

Today, our special assignment is the same as Paul's.  We are to proclaim the good news of Christ crucified to the world.

Dear Father God, I pray that you help me to find and appreciate the joy that comes from being entrusted with such an important special assignment.  Thank you for choosing me, empowering me and making me up to the task.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?


  1. Having Chris repeat third grade was one of the toughest decisions we ever had to make. The Lord has blessed that decision many times over!

  2. Having Chris repeat third grade was one of the toughest decisions we ever had to make. The Lord has blessed that decision many times over!
