"All you had to do was ask."
That statement brings such relief. And also some regret that we worked ourselves up over nothing.
We stacked all kinds of conditions up, and analyzed all of the consequences, and assembled a massive case to convince someone of something. And then they say, "You didn't have to do all that. All you had to do was ask."
That's what God says about wisdom.
Wisdom is the ability to apply the perfect, practical truths of God to life situations. The aptitude of making clear, confident decisions.
We often desire this kind of wisdom. We see it in other super gifted spiritual people. "Wow, I'd love that kind of wisdom," we think. Then we start mentally assembling all of the work it would take to get there … and give up. Not a chance.
But God says, "You don't have to do all that. All you need to do is ask."
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. (James 1:5)
PRAYER: I want wisdom, God, and I realize the irony that I'm not wise enough to get it. That's why you promise it to me as a gift. It comes from you, not from me. By your grace that forgives my faults and doesn't consider them, you instill my hungry heart with wisdom that is heavenly. Teach me to trust that searching honestly for your wisdom is the one thing needed, and when I search I will find. When I knock, the door of wisdom opens. Then teach me to recognize the wisdom you give and use it as a resource more often. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Check out Proverbs 2:1-6 and all of the "if you …" statements about finding wisdom from God. It may seem like jumping through a lot of hoops, but look carefully. The conditions for finding "the knowledge of God" all really mean this: you're looking, you're searching, you're hungry. You know you don't have the kind of wisdom you need and you believe God can give it. That's it. If faith and humility you "ask God" (James 1:5), and "then you will understand" (Proverbs 2:5). No schooling required. No GPA. No advanced degree. Just want wisdom from God. Just ask for it. That very practice prepares you to receive it. And then, be ready for a treasure that enriches your life!

Daron Lindemann
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