"God, I know you've given me these parents, but I hate them."
"God, why can't my kids be perfectly obedient, perfectly healthy, and perfectly silent or sleepy at the perfect time every day?"
"God, you ruined my family because my mom died … because my dad was a drunk … because I was the middle child."
Family dysfunction hurts. Some of it is real. Some of it is our limited understanding. Some of it is others' fault. Some of it is our own fault. All of it is hard.
Maybe if your family would be different, you'd be better off? If you were born in Albuquerque instead of Austin. If you weren't the only brother—with 3 sisters. If your parents hadn't put you in day care. Or if they had put you in Christian schools. Or if they hadn't allowed you to quit piano lessons.
Now, if God could choose his own family, who'd be in it? If the holy, heavenly Lord could pick any human beings to be closer to him than the rest of the crowd, who would be so privileged? The Bible answers:
Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. (Hebrews 2:11)
Jesus chooses you. He makes you holy by his innocent suffering and death which paid the price for all your sins. He raises you from your sinful, selfish self by his resurrection. You're not a stranger or even, by his grace, a sinner. You're not an outcast or homeless and lonely. You're family!
And Jesus just can't stop showing everyone his pictures with you in them. He's "not ashamed" of you, but when he thinks of you and talks about you (like, all the time) his face lights up with joy and excitement.
"See my family! Aren't they beautiful?! I just love them." Jesus loves you, and he loves your family. He believes that will help you love your family, too.
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I get so caught up in my own needs that I often forget my own family. I can take them for granted. I can get frustrated with them. I struggle to forgive their sinful decisions, words and behaviors. This is not a struggle you have about me. You promise that, without condition, you have promised me forgiveness, joy and peace. You have given me a place in your family, and in my family, too. Equip and encourage me this week to love my family like you love them. To show them your grace by extending grace of my own. To care for them not as their savior but because you are their Savior. Thank you for including me in your family, and in my family, too.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Say a prayer about family using the PRAY acronym.
- Praise (tell God what you appreciate about being part of his family, and the blessings of your family)
- Repent (tell God about your sins against your family, trust in his promises of forgiveness)
- Ask (go ahead, think big, or focus on a small detail, God wants to hear it all, focus on what his love and grace can do through you in your family)
- Yield (talk to God about the next step after you say "Amen," how you want faith to lead the way, how you are willing to be part of his answer)
Please update your contacts to my new email address: pastordaron@crosslifepf.org

Daron Lindemann
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