Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Leave ME alone!

Yes - it's really a t-shirt you can buy...
Leave me alone!
I tend to say that at the times when I really don't mean it.

  • I can do this myself.
  • It's not my fault.  It's my/your/the ______'s fault. (fill in your own personal favorite noun you like to blame things on)
  • I've got some stuff I just need to deal with on my own right now, okay?
Usually that's exactly when I shouldn't be left alone.
I need someone to intervene, to listen to me rant, to lend a helping hand.

That's exactly when I need reminding that I'm not alone.  I'm never alone.
My God is right there with me.  
Matthew 28:20 - "I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

And also when I should realize that I'm better off when I leave ME alone.
When I don't put my trust in ME.
When I remember that I CAN'T do this myself.
When I own up to the things done by or because of ME.
When I believe that there is NOTHING I need to deal with on my own.

My Jesus promises help and healing and hope.
When I leave ME alone.
And come to Him!

These devotional ideas were derived from a great sermon that Pastor Daron blessed us with - What's it like to be right all the time?  It's worth your time - check out the video or audio version!

Help me leave ME alone.
And never leave You.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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