Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Following the (wrong) leader...

My siblings and I are having a devotion each morning using a book called “Handbook to Leadership (Leadership in the Image of God)”.  We’re in the section that focuses on different people in the Bible.

One week the “person” we were studying was Satan.
The ultimate “anti-image of God”.

The wrong leader.
The father of lies.
The reason I stumble and fall (again and again and again).

Today I’ll share some of the scripture and some materials that fill in the picture a little more.
Because if we just view Satan as one-dimensional and something “we can handle” – we’re playing into his hands.

On Monday we read about Satan’s aspirations to be and to be like God.
These are in Isaiah 14:12-15 – inside of a warning to the king of Babylon.
The final verse tells us  the results.

This devotion points out the “bewares” and cites several passages (have your Bible handy)

This post delves into the biblical background of the fall of Satan.

Thank you for our study on Satan.
You want us to know our enemy so that we can stop him in his tracks.
Guide us as we seek and learn more about him in your Word.
And always fix this thought in our minds – “God’s Son has set me free!”.
Free! Free! Free!
Satan – you’ve got nothing!

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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