Monday, January 25, 2016

As good as new?

Doesn’t it feel great…
-          To be in the “getting better stage” of being sick or injured?
-          To work out your differences and get back together with someone you love and care about?
-          To find something that you were just sure was “lost forever”?

Why – it’s “as good as new”.

Or is it?

If you’ve had a sports injury – do you feel like you are now “as good as new”?
If you’ve had major dental work – does it feel “as good as new”?
When you’ve patched things up after an argument – is it really “as good as new”?
Or is there still some pain, some guilt, some remorse stuck in the corner there.

In this sin-sick world – it seems impossible for something to be “as good as new”.
Sin sticks to and taints everything!
What seems like “the best ever” in the moment is now not good enough.

God sure brings this point out in Hosea 3 (warning – PG-13 material in Hosea).
He’s trying to bring the sin-sick Israelites back to him by remaining the faithful husband.
(and having the prophet Hosea live this out to demonstrate it)

There is one instance of “as good as new”.
One that really, truly is the “the best ever”.
It’s our relationship with God, of course – which was perfect in the Garden of Eden.
Then it was broken by sin.
And restored “as good as new” by Jesus (see Romans 3:21-24).

God has “set things right”!
Hello, my name is…redeemed!

Thank you Lord…
for bringing me back and making me BETTER than new!
I can’t imagine how great it will be in heaven with you – but it’s fun to try!
Love you – talk to you later.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

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