Monday, June 3, 2019

If Jesus had a business card what would it say?

Prophet, Priest and King

Some refer to Jesus as the CEO of the universe. And the Bible gives him plenty of titles like Christ, Prince of Peace, Son of God, Son of Man and many more. For a list of 50 of them, read this (a few of them are a stretch, I think)
If Jesus had a business card, I think it would say, "Jesus Christ: Prophet, Priest and King." Jesus is his name, it means "he saves." Christ is a title like president or CEO, it means "anointed one," referring to the fact that Jesus has been appointed to and is qualified for an official position. 
He is worthy. He's got work to do.
That work of Jesus is best outlined by some subtitles: prophet, priest and king. You'll find them all in this verse from Revelation. The apostle John, who writes the book of Revelation as a report about some visions that Jesus gives to him, opens chapter one by describing Jesus:
"who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father—to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen" (Revelation 1:5,6).
A prophet speaks, proclaims, announces. Prophet Jesus is "the faithful witness." His words are truth. 
A priest represents people to God and God to people, offering prayers and sacrifices. Jesus "freed us from our sins by his blood" and is "the firstborn from the dead." Jesus is the sacrifice of all sacrifices. You are fully forgiven because he died and rose. 
A king conquers and governs. Jesus is "the ruler of the kings of the earth" and "has made us to be a kingdom." Nobody controls him. Nothing can curse us. We serve him not as slaves but as "priests" ourselves, with direct access to him as our God and Savior.
Jesus hands you his business card. You look at it. You look back at him. He looks at you. All you can say is, "Wow!" In other words, "To him be glory … Amen!"
PRAYER: Dear Jesus—Prophet, Priest and King—you are worthy. You have work to do. You do it well and you do it for me. Accept my work as worship of you. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Focus on Revelation 1:5,6. Take your time and take it slow. 
  1. Because Jesus the Prophet is a faithful witness, what does that mean for you becoming more faithful in your witnessing? How does it help you overcome fears with faith?
  2. Because Jesus makes you a priest in his kingdom, what does that say about your qualifications to serve him well?
  3. Jesus loves you, what does that make you want to say or do?
Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

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