Wednesday, June 12, 2019

God loves his job.

God's Work

He whistles while he works. She hums while baking in the kitchen. That's the sound of joyful satisfaction of a job in progress.
God goes to work every day (John 5:17) and gets excited about what he does. Meteorologists get all geeky about clouds, but it doesn't come close to the thrills God experiences in creating weather patterns. 
"He makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind" (Psalm 104:3). If it's a storm brewing where I live, here in Texas, God would be hollering a big "Yeeeee-Hah!"
In proving his case to Job that he knows what he's doing in our world, God gives Job a tour of his work, like a master craftsman walking you through his workshop.
With pride, satisfaction, and some excitement, God asks Job and us, "Who provides food for the raven when its young cry out to God and wander about for lack of food? … Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? Do you make it leap like a locust, striking terror with its proud snorting" (Job 38:41; 39:19,20)?
God rides the clouds like a roller coaster. God feeds young birds as if he's handing out free candy to eager kids. God engineers a horse with both strength and beauty. And that's just the beginning.
In the "lost and found" parables Jesus told (Luke 15) God is the woman who throws a party because she found her lost life's saving. God is the shepherd whose wide smile can't hide how glad he is that he found one, little sheep; then he celebrates. God is the father who's loving embrace welcomes home a rebellious son, and reassures a self-righteous one—with lavish gifts and feasting.
God just loves loving you! God enjoys providing for you. God "delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love" (Psalm 147:11). 
You're not God's problem, and you're more than his project. Because his unfailing love forgives you, you're his pride and joy!
PRAYER: When I question my worth, God, or your commitment to what is best for me, turn my thoughts to your delightful love. That you enjoy me! Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Job chapters 38 and 39. Enjoy it as much as God does. Keep in mind, that God's point is not only, "I'm God and you're not." He's also revealing his heart of love that takes such pleasure in caring about and providing for mankind the wonders of this world. And what was Job's response? Find it in Job 42:1-6. Job describes what we might call our work, as a response to God's work, in v. 6. How can it be possible for our work to be just as enjoyable?
Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

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