Where will your enemies come from today?
We all have them. Sometimes they come at us without any interest or invitation on our part. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they attack us from the outside. Sometimes they sabotage us from the inside.
The three most dangerous enemies, according to the Bible, are:
- sin in human nature and the world's operating system
- certain death
- deceptive power of the devil
Every one of your problems today will be triggered by any or all of these enemies.
What can you do? First, admit that you are finite and flawed, so you can't overcome these enemies on your own. Second, recognize that often times your interpretations and desires play into the success of these enemies. Third, seek help outside yourself, in the unlimited, almighty, and saving love of God.
God doesn't answer to your enemies. He's not afraid of them. Actually, he attacks them and wins.
"The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, saying, 'Destroy them!'" (Deuteronomy 33:27)
Arms are both offensive weapons (striking a blow, pushing away) and a defensive stronghold (embracing in safety, holding in for dear life).
Watch this 10-minute video depicting the everlasting arms of God, saving you from your enemies. It's filled with Scripture. It portrays the reality of our enemies and the saving arms of God through his Son Jesus Christ. See the two questions below under "Further Meditation" before watching the video, which provides answers.
PRAYER: Your everlasting arms are both strong and loving, God. You protect me from my enemies today. In your arms, I will not be afraid. Amen.
- With what images are each of your most dangerous enemies depicted in the video—sin, death and the devil?
- What are some images in the video that help you better see the work of God that saves you from your enemies? Which is your favorite? Can you explain why?

Daron Lindemann
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