Done! You finished your first 5K.
All the training. The coaxing of your family. The cheering of your friends. You did it without dying, crossed the finish line with arms raised high like an Olympic champion … and now what?
Selfie, of course. Your smile of accomplishment says it all.
And you're not in as much pain as you thought you'd be, so you're already wondering, "Maybe I could run a 10K!?"
You post on social media, inviting all your friends to try this sometime.
Done! Jesus was crucified, and even said, "It is finished." Then he rose, never to face the enemy of death again. Conquered!
It's all for you, and he promises that these historical events seal in certainty your forgiveness, salvation and eternal life … and now what?
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God … For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:1,3).
Do you see both the past and the present in those powerful words? Do you connect with the "now what?" of the Christian life?
Christ has died, and you died with him. It happened in the past. Christ has been raised, and you have been raised with him. It happened in the past.
Now what? Now you set your heart on bigger things than earthly things. Now you live a life each day that is a "cross life."
PRAYER: Help me, Christ, experience the thrill of victory, to know the joy of "done!" To never question it again. To not look back. But, help me also to experience the thrill of "now what?" To enjoy the present, ongoing cross life of saying no to sin, of making decisions that bring you glory, of facing storms and troubles with faith not fear, of living in my baptism and witnessing to friends that they just have to come on this journey. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Meditate on Colossians 3:1-3. Visualize the cross and the tomb of Jesus. Bring to mind and heart other Bible verses that speak truth about these historical events. Visualize yourself crossing a finish line, and what you experience afterwards. The thrill. The joy. The expectation for more. Thank Jesus for both the past and the present of your spiritual, inner life. Pray for these verses to become more real to you, and revealed through you to others.

Daron Lindemann
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