Friday, July 10, 2015

Live from WELS Tech - Is media your master?

I'm at WELS Tech (a technical conference for our church body) this weekend and wanted to share some of the thoughts and insights they are sharing here.

WELSTech 2015 #welstechconf
Opening Keynote Speaker - Thursday, July 9th, 2015

  • 5 time Emmy winner.
  • Produced WELS connection for 28 years.  Kids Connection for 20 years.
  • Has worked for almost every media company and network out there.
  • An eternal optimist – his words.  He feels sorry for those who aren’t.
  • Media is his method of ministry.
Media is never neutral.
  • Have we entered a techno-utopia or a techno-prison?
Media wants our hearts and minds
Robert Pittman – founder of MTV – “We don’t aim for 14 year olds.  We want to own 14 year olds.”
There are more screens in the world than toilets – “More garbage going in than coming out”
We are amusing ourselves to death
  • “A” = not AND “Muse” = to think
Young people spend
  • 53 hours a week using a screen
  • 4,000 texts a month
YouTube wants us to see ourselves as the center
“Broadcast yourself”
NOT caring about others first.
BUT Media tools should be an enhancer of relationships – not a replacer.
But it’s nothing new…
1844 – milestone of human communication – telegraph
  • First instance of virtual communication (not F2F)
  • Faster than any message could travel
  • People started to chat, play checkers, swap recipes
  • The first instance of timewasting using technology
1890 – Wired Love was published – a story about two telegraph operators
  • Met at a boarding house in St. Louis
  • Meeting face to face was awkward for 3 days
  • Strung a wire cord between their rooms and telegraphed each other
  • Day 4 - Proposed on the telegraph to each other
On the Titanic
  • There was a message from another ship warning about the icebergs
  • It arrived and was set on the desk under a paperweight
  • But there was a pile of personal messages to send
  • The message sat there while personal passenger messages were being sent
  • It never made it to the bridge or the captain
We’re tricked into thinking video games life are real life
  • Advance to the top level
  • Beat the baddest boss
  • All without actually doing anything in the real world
  • You aren’t better.  No one else is better.  The world isn’t better.
What is our message to the world?
  • We have a message – the best message there is!
  • THAT is what we want to use media for
  • Put on the full armor of God
They showed us the world premiere of the trailer to “My Son, My Savior” – the story of Mary.
  • Next movie in the series of “The Road to Emmaeus” and “Come Follow Me”
  • Movie will be done by September and available to congregations in the fall
  • Mary – the actress was selected to play her – was one of 50 Mary actresses Robert saw
    • She had memorized the entire script
    • While rehearsing she was brought to tears by the words she had memorized and was saying
    • Steve said it felt like God was saying – SHE is the one.
  • FYI - One more movie coming in the series – The Journeys of Paul
How do we redirect the noise of media and point it to Christ?
  • It really starts at home.
  • What does your heart tell you?  Should I be watching this?
How do we start the conversation with our youth?
  • Use media as opportunity to start the conversation
  • Example - On Easter Sunday Robert and his family went to the “God is not dead” movie and spent a couple hours having a family discussion after it.
500th anniversary of Reformation – October 2017
  • Film on Martin Luther
  • 2 hour film
  • NPH started the idea
  • Will be broadcast (Lord willing) nationally on PBS and possibly BBC
Ideas for use of media in ministry
  • How welcoming is your congregational website?  It’s your virtual front door.
  • Involve our young people in the creation/production of media for ministry
  • It is SO easy to capture video now
  • Search engines are 53 times more likely to find a website if there is video on it
  • 59% would rather watch a video than read text
  • Introduce your church to your visitors before they set one foot in the door

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