The theme for our Easter celebrations at Holy Word Lutheran Church this year was "Easter changes everything". Yesterday's worship was a feast for our faith - wow.
I pray that your Easter was special.
A celebration of despair turned into joy.
Of Introspection to resurrection.
Of death to life.
(Coincidentally?) My Bible chapter to read today is Isaiah 61.
It is all about changes, too.
"Announce the freedom to all the captives!"
In verses 1 to 7 he describes huge change from...
...Bouquets of roses instead of ashes
...Messages of joy instead of news of doom
...A praising heart instead of a languid spirit
(had to look that one up - languid = "having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort; slow and relaxed")
But he saves the best for last - how it changes me!
Verses 10-11
I will sing for joy in God,
explode in praise from deep in my soul!
He dressed me up in a suit of salvation,
he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness,
As a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo
and a bride a jeweled tiara.
For as the earth bursts with spring wildflowers,
and as a garden cascades with blossoms,
So the Master, God, brings righteousness into full bloom
and puts praise on display before the nations.
Speaking of "bursts with spring wildflowers..." - some pics from the past couple of days.
Flower and water (05 Apr - Wild Basin Preserve)
Bluebonnet and friends (02 April - HP Austin)
Bee cool (02 April - Austin)
Everything's coming up roses (04 Apr - our front porch)
Thank you for the suit of salvation that fits me perfectly.
How did you know my size? (oh - yeah - you know everything)
Help me sing for joy in you and explode in praise from deep in my soul.
Talk to you later...
What's the big deal about Jesus?
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more
details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway
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