Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Able to deliver, but even if he does not...


Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were three young, God-loving Israelites in the 6th century BC, living happily in their homeland until it was invaded by world power Babylon, who deported the professional classes like artists, professors, and military officers, especially the younger ones. 
These three young men, living and working now in Babylon, wanted to be faithful to their Lord God yet obey the Babylonian laws. Most often they could do both, but not this time. King Nebuchadnezzar had decreed that an idol image of gold be erected in the most public place in the city. When the music played in that public place, those within sight of the image were commanded to bow down to it or be thrown in a blazing furnace. 
So everyone bowed. Except for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The king found out, and brought them to the fiery furnace. They boldly announced, "If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty's hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up" (Daniel 3:17,18).
Let's paraphrase that: "Our God can save us and we think he will save us, but he may have other plans and we're okay with that. We fear, love, and trust in God for himself, not for what we get out of him."
The men were pushed into the flames, and Nebuchadnezzar couldn't believe his eyes. There was a fourth man in the fire with them, and none of them were burned. Jesus, the Son of God, in the fire. Unconsumed. Unburned. Very much alive and his companions alive, too. This is the glory of God. A greatness and grace that doesn't exist just for itself, but to save people.
No fires of hell will ever scorch your soul. No fires of God's anger will ever touch your life. Not when Jesus is in the fire with you. You are forgiven. You are free. The ultimate firefighter Jesus has already put out the fires of God's justice, and now he stands with you in the smaller fires of suffering for God's glory. And you will not be burned. 
God the Father sent his Son Jesus to Nebuchadnezzar's fire as a preview of the victory over hell and sin and death. They cannot hurt you. Is that enough for you to say, "I will fear, love, and trust in God no matter what the consequences."?
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, because you are with me in the fire, I will not be afraid. Give me courage to be unconditionally loyal to you, as you are to me. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: "Even if you don't, my hope is you alone." Those lyrics and this story form a song by Mercy Me. Give it a listen, find comfort and courage in it. What fires in your life need you to trust God to be God, even if … ?  https://youtu.be/B6fA35Ved-Y

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

Monday, April 29, 2019

When you look in the mirror


Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" (John 21:7)
Your identity is a tricky thing. 
When people ask, "Where is your home?" Do you tell them about your current address, or talk about your childhood?
There is the impression that others have about you. Then there is the real you. And then there is what you believe about yourself, your impression of yourself. What you see in the mirror. 
Your identity is healthiest when you are believing that what God says about you is absolutely true. Not the version of you that others see. Not even the image of yourself that you see—and often it's a version we struggle with, or blindly misunderstand, or we have learned to limit this identity to be much smaller and "safe" than God says it is. 
Learn something from the disciple John and remember it this week. If you were to ask John who he is, his answer would focus on whose he is. Much like my truck would say "I'm a Ford" or my laptop would answer "I'm a Mac."
In writing the book of the Bible that bears his name, the gospel of John, the disciple John identifies himself as the one Jesus loves. 
You are loved. And because of it, you recognize Jesus for who he is, like John did. "It is the Lord."
No matter how much you argue with that, how little you believe it, how much you've forgotten over the years about it, how sinful you are, or how disappointed you are in God. You can't change who you are in the eyes of Jesus, and the heart of God.
Hmmm. Maybe that's my new answer to people who ask, "How are you today?
It would say a lot to them. And to me. I need that, don't you?
PRAYER: Jesus, I believe that I am loved. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Slow down, breath more slowly, clarify in your mind who you see yourself to be, and how this differs from who God says you are. Use the PRAY acronym.
  • Praise (tell God what you appreciate about your identity)
  • Repent (tell God about your distrust and denial of your identity, what lies you believe about yourself, and tell him you believe that you are loved)
  • Ask (go ahead, think big, or focus on a small detail, God wants to hear it all, where do you need his help being who you really are?)
  • Yield (talk to God about the next step after you say "Amen," how you want faith to lead the way, how you are willing to be part of his answer and see it develop for your good)

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserve d.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?


Do you feel the world is broken? Do you feel the shadows deepen? But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through?
Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll? The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave. He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave.
Is he worthy?
He is.
Does the Father truly love us? Does the Spirit move among us? And does Jesus, our Messiah, hold forever those he loves? Does our God intend to dwell again with us?
He does.
The words above are lyrics from a song by Christian artist Chris Tomlin called "Is He Worthy?" Enjoy it today. Take some quiet time to relax. Don't be in a hurry. Prepare your mind and heart to reflect on the meaningful questions posed in the song. And the even more meaningful answers.
Then, allow your own mind and hear to ask the questions yourself. Say the words along with the song. Ask, either silently or out loud. Then answer. "He is. He does." Your soul will be strengthened.
PRAYER: Dear Lion of Judah, who conquered the grave, you are Lord over everything in my life, including shame and death, today and forever. As true as that is, let me believe it and live like it. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Find the basis for this song in Revelation 5:1-14. Opening a seal is like unlocking a door. You have authority and power over whatever is inside. So, throughout these verses, over what does Jesus have authority and power? In what area of your life today will that give you greater hope and joy?

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fresh bread makes friends

Easter Bread

Panera Bread takes its name from the Latin "panis," meaning "bread," and the word "era," for time. A significant part of the company's mission is the companionship customers can enjoy, reflected in one of their slogans, "fresh bread makes friends."
When [Jesus] was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us" (Luke 24:30-32)?
This isn't Panera Bread. This is Jesus finally being recognized by two of his followers who were walking home to Emmaus, a village outside Jerusalem. They knew Jesus had died, but didn't know he had risen. So he appeared and walked with them, then broke bread with them.
The two now recognize this companion, this "bread bringer wither," as Jesus their risen Savior! 
And their recognition comes not from seeing the baker but from eating his bread. Their hearts burned already on the road when their hunger found its satisfaction in the words of the Scriptures describing the death and resurrection of Jesus like a detailed menu. Their eyes were opened at the table when their hunger found its satisfaction in the prayer of thanks Jesus offered to his Father like a waiter describing the culinary skills of a master chef. 
Our hungry hopes find their satisfaction, too, not in seeing Jesus but in believing that the words and works of Jesus all culminate in his resurrection from the dead. This is our Easter bread!
Easter bread first baked for three days in the stone oven of a tomb that rises afterwards, now multiplied enough to feed thousands and billions of starving souls for days and years and eternities to come. 
Easter bread kneaded and worked by the hands of a Creator who has in mind not just bringing people into existence but shaping our lives in this world. 
Easter bread that sustains and strengthens us for our ultimate destiny in heaven. 
Easter bread sometimes distributed in small crumbs that fall from the Master's table with a wink in his eye so that sinful beggars can have a taste of his grace.
PRAYER: Dear companion Jesus, you are my Easter bread. Satisfy all my hungry hopes. Strengthen me for today's journey. Nourish me with new life. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Find a quiet, undistracted place. Give God your full attention. He has things to say that you need to hear today. Put away all your devices and deadlines, and just listen. Read Luke 24:13-35. What changed these men from being "slow of heart" to having "burning hearts?" Ask yourself this question, and pray about it, "How can my heart be transformed from slow to burning?"

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Easter life is like riding a bike


Jesus' resurrection should be the filter for everything you see, imagine, say, do, and feel. Jesus' resurrection should give you an identity that defines circumstances instead of circumstances defining you. Do you believe this? Do you? Or do you shrink back? Do you hide, either in passivity or aggression? Hide in work or social media or alcohol? Paralyzed by worry?
Listen again to what the Bible tells us the angel announced that resurrection morning to the women at the tomb, distressed with grief that Jesus was dead. "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: 'He has risen from the dead'" (Matthew 28:5-7). 
Four things jump off the page here.
  • "Do not be afraid." Even the angels know how fear paralyzes us.
  • Jesus "was crucified." Was. Crucified. It's done. It's over. The crucifixion thundered God's justice for your sins down on Jesus, but it is finished. Believe that God doesn't punish you anymore.
  • Jesus "is not here." Jesus is not victim but victor. The grave's power can't trap him. Jesus has power over life and death, power over lies and fear, power over mistakes and a doctor's diagnosis and marriage troubles. None of it has a say in your life that cancels what Jesus says.
  • "Go." There's the call. The women fled "afraid yet filled with joy," which is the Bible's way of saying they were jumping out of a plane skydiving for the first time. Exhilarating. Thrilling. A bit scary. Adventure. 
Remember the moment you learned to ride a bike? Big grin. Maybe a couple of scraped elbows. But once you did it, you just had to do it some more. Why? Because at first you can't believe you did it, but then fear gives way to freedom. You have an adventure waiting for you out there—and even in here (your heart). The resurrection of Jesus flips a switch for you from fear and death to freedom and life. It makes you faith-filled and faithful, courageous, going where Jesus dispatches you, and telling others about this awesome Easter adventure. 
Live! Believe! Go! Ride. With a big grin.
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, faith in your resurrection is like learning to ride a bike. Paralyzing fear gives way to adventurous freedom. Help me believe this today. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: What are you most afraid of? How does it paralyze you? Where do you try to hide? Put away distractions for a while and meditate on this. Read Matthew 28:5-7 and pause at each of the 4 points above. At each point, ask yourself, "How does this change what fear is doing in my life? What does it look like for me to get on my bike and ride, with joyful, adventurous freedom that believes Jesus?"

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

This just doesn’t make sense


From the first moments that the risen and living Jesus appeared to people, we observe two responses.

First, the women who went to Jesus' tomb early Sunday morning. An angel told them that Jesus was alive. They "hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. 'Greetings,' he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him" (Matthew 28:8,9).

The women believed that Jesus defied all logic. How can a dead man live again? It didn't compute, but they believed it. They saw him. And they wanted to be close to him, clasping his feet. They worshiped him.

We are closest to Jesus and most worshipful when we don't fully understand, can't completely control him.

The enemies of Jesus, however, didn't believe that Jesus defied logic. The Jewish religious leaders used logic to defy Jesus. The soldiers responsible for guarding the tomb reported to these leaders that Jesus had risen. This escape would mean death for these soldiers.

The religious leaders "gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, 'You are to say, "His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep." If this report gets to the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble'" (Matthew 28:12-14).

That made sense to the leaders, and the soldiers who took the money. They couldn't let this news get out for a number of reasons! They defied Jesus, in a way that seemed very logical. Everybody wins.

Except Jesus. And since Jesus rose from the dead to prove he's the real thing, these leaders and soldiers who defied him would someday be defied themselves. They would lose.

What is your response to the resurrection of Jesus? Do you defy Jesus, his forgiveness for you, his new life for you, the power he gives you over sin—and you use logic to do it? You have to make sense of things. Too bad for you. Your logic—no matter how sealed tight you think—leaks badly compared to the resurrection victory of Jesus.

Instead, come close to Jesus and let him defy your logic. Let him be God. Let his resurrection change you and give you life. Believe him. Hold onto him. Worship him. Stop trying to control him.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, you defy logic by your resurrection. Bless me with faith that doesn't need logic more than it needs you. Amen.

FURTHER MEDITATION: Read Matthew 28:1-15. 
  1. Compare these two responses to Jesus' resurrection: the women and the religious leaders. What was different about how they felt? what they wanted? why they did what they did? 
  2. Say a prayer, confessing how your response to the resurrection has been too much like his enemies. In God's forgiving mercy, ask for new opportunities to respond like the women.

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.

Monday, April 22, 2019

You’re alive and victorious

Made Alive

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him" (1 Corinthians 15:20-23).
We can agree that "Christ has been raised from the dead," but consider it an isolated incident. No different than the resurrection of Lazarus or the widow's son or Jairus' daughter during Jesus' ministry. But the resurrection of Jesus Christ is not confined to the pages of history. 
Like a diary discovered by Harry Potter comes to life, enveloping him into its contents, when the Bible proclaims the resurrection it opens the tomb of your own life and death, and draws you into Jesus Christ's tomb. 
Jesus Christ is "the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep." Firstfruits were the first fruits, or initial crops, harvested and then sacrificed as offerings to God. It takes trusting obedience to do that, believing that you'll be gathering more crops by God's abundant blessing. And it happens. 
So the Bible is telling us that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the first of many more. Yes, we will "all die," like Adam, but "in Christ all will be made alive." Believers who die simply fall asleep physically, with expired bodies planted in the ground like flower bulbs. On Judgment Day, when Jesus Christ returns to earth, our bodies will wake up, burst forth like flowers, and live in heaven forever reattached to our souls.
"But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him." You do not belong to your boss or to the burden of caring for others—so why are you living as if they own you? You do not belong to cancer or to career confusion—so why are you living as if they are your only identity? You do not belong to sin's curse or addiction's control, you do not belong to your temper, your inability to say no, or your past mistakes. 
You "belong to him," Jesus Christ. He owns you. You have identity and purpose in him. Your destiny is locked securely to him and his resurrection. Live joyfully and confidently above your circumstances, which do not own you. You belong to Jesus Christ.
PRAYER: Living Christ, risen from death, raise me to a new life today and an eternal life when I die. Lead me to live with joyful confidence that I belong to you. Amen.
FURTHER MEDITATION: Read 1 Corinthians 15:35-58. How does the Bible use the following as "evidence" that the final resurrection on Judgment Day is both body and soul? 1) A seed. 2) Adam. Meditate on v. 58 and what it looks like for you to live victoriously this week. Say a prayer using the PRAY acronym.
  • Praise (tell God what you appreciate about him)
  • Repent (tell God about your sins, trust in his promises of forgiveness)
  • Ask (go ahead, think big, or focus on a small detail, God wants to hear it all)
  • Yield (talk to God about the next step after you say "Amen," how you want faith to lead the way, how you are willing to be part of his answer and see it develop for your good)

Daron Lindemann

Pastor Daron

Copyright © 2019 CrossLife Church, All rights reserved.