Wednesday, March 1, 2017

HOW TO: Work God's plan in a godless world

(guest devotion from my brother Chris)
How to Work God's Plan in a Godless World

This week in our devotion from the book "Leading from the Lion's Den" the author used the story of Jonah to illustrate his point that we shouldn't be overzealous about sticking to the plans we make by pointing to the familiar tale of how Jonah's planned visit to Tarshish was rerouted by a large hungry fish.

The author's point, as an owner and organizational leader at the highest levels, was that a failure to plan was just as detrimental as a blind, unwavering commitment to 100% adherence to the original plan, come what may.   I completely understand and appreciate his point.  But in doing so, it leads me to ask the question, "What can I, a mid-level people manager, do to impact the planning in my organization?"   That's when I realized I was starting my search for answers in the wrong place.  In order to learn how to work God's plan @ work I don't need to analyze my workplace, or examine the leadership philosophies and theological perspectives of my company's, business unit's or department's leaders.

In James 4:13-15 (Message translation) James writes to the scattered twelve tribes "And now I have a word for you who brashly announce, "Today - at the latest tomorrow - we're off to such and such a city for the year.  We're going to start a business and make a lot of money."  You don't know the first thing about tomorrow.  You're nothing but a wisp of fog, catching a brief bit of sun before disappearing.  Instead, make it a habit to say, "If the Master wills it, and we're still alive, we'll do this or that."

So proper planning, in my personal, professional or life, in my personal or spiritual relationships, in ANY aspect of my life, should begin and end with the thought, the guiding principal that whatever I plan, it is with the full understanding that it is ONLY if the Master wills it that it will come to pass.

As Christians, we are uniquely positioned and well prepared to understand that our plans most often go against what God intends, because of our sinful nature.  Faith is sacrifice.  Faith in Jesus means that we have to let go of our plans and embrace His.  Christian author and Pastor M. Craig Barnes explains this in his book "When God Interrupts"...

"But all this should come as no surprise to Christians, those who are called to lose their lives in order to find them. So if we try to follow Jesus, we can count on a great deal of abandonment. The good-but hard- news of the gospel is that abandonment can be embraced as the opportunity to receive new life. Will they clutch at something else for their salvation? Or can they leave their hands open long enough to receive the life Jesus was dying to give them."

The answer lies not in the effort you put into the plan itself, (although effort DOES matter), but in how well you prepare, in God's word and in prayer, BEFORE you begin, during the process and after you've developed, discussed and implemented the plan.

Later in the same book, Pastor Barnes speaks directly to the "mobile" nature of Jesus and His plan for us...
"One of the most frustrating things about Jesus is that he just won't settle down. He is constantly moving us away from the places where we would prefer to stay, like Galilee, and moving us closer to Jerusalem, where we do not want to go. ...He keeps pushing us toward a promise we cannot yet see. ...Along the way, Jesus will invite us to drop the things we are carrying that are heavy but deeply cherished. But don't look back. The loss is simply another step toward Jerusalem."

So, what's the secret to sticking to God's plan in a world that abhors God?  Stick with God.  Stick like glue to His word.  Stick to His promises.  Stick to the knowledge that He will ALWAYS stick with you, and that He has plotted out every twist, turn, up, down and in between to lead you to EXACTLY where you need to be.

Lord Jesus,
Make me sticky.
Sticky for You and stuck like glue to your Word.
Help me leave traces of that promise glue wherever I go today.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Say "Goodbye" (as an old year passes)

(summarized from a sermon by Pastor Don Patterson at Holy Word Lutheran Church on 31 Dec 2016)

My garage - a study in chaos and order
My garage - a study in chaos and order (and clutter)
This is my garage.
  • On the left - piles of stuff all jumbled together.
  • On the right - Rows of organized and labeled boxes.
Which one is better?
  • The jumbled piles of stuff on the left?
  • The organized boxes of stuff on the right?
  • Or neither (because it's just so...much...stuff)?
This past New Years Eve - our pastor invited us to declutter our hearts,
He wanted to help us say goodbye to our old year in the right way.  
He wanted us to "declutter" spiritually based on God's Word.
He gave us three verbs to remember - Shelve, Shred, Share.

Shelve your disappointments in hope
Were you disappointed this past year?  In someone else?  In yourself?  In the stock market/401k/interest rates/sales?

Shelve those disappointments.  Tie them up, label them as what they are and put them on the shelf.
Why?  Because God has promised good stuff for you.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Shelve the disappointments in hope of the Lord's wonderful plans for you.
Wait for them.
As you look back on the year past - you may even see things you thought were disappointments have changed into opportunities and reminders that the Lord has "plans to prosper you and not to harm you".

Shred your sins (and everyone else's sins) in forgiveness
When you shred something you make it unrecognizable.  It can't be put back together again.  Once you've shredded it you don't worry about it, think about it any longer.  What would be the point - it's gone!

But for you to shred something - it has to exist.  It has to be present and in your hands.
It's painful - but think of the sins of the past year.
Think you don't have any - or any really significant ones?
Jesus tells us otherwise.

1 John 1:8 (NIV)
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 

The good news for you is - Jesus has shredded your sins.

1 John 1:9 (NIV)
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Jesus perfect life, death and resurrection (for YOU) has wiped them out.
They are unrecognizable to everyone (even God).  
You are forgiven - fully and freely.
You don't have to worry about them or think about them any longer.  

Oh - and Jesus not only shredded your sins - but everyone else's, too.
All those wrongs you were the target of this past year.
They are shredded, too.
Forgive them - fully and freely.

And live like they are really and truly gone.

Share your blessings with thanksgiving
Fact: You exist.  You exist because God gave you a soul and has been sharing his creation with you since you drew your first breath.  Every heartbeat and breath since then is a blessing made specifically for you by God.  Every blessing is an invitation to share in this creation.

This past year has been a daily unfolding of this blessing-filled creation.
Take a moment to write ten of them down.
Maybe some of them didn't seem like blessings in the moment - but you can see that they are now.

What should you do about it?

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Just as God is sharing his blessings of creation with you every morning, noon and night - you should thank him for it and share those blessings.
Don't be stingy.

Lead me to say goodbye to bitterness, regret and guilt.
Remind me through your Word that you want me to...
shelve my disappointments,
that you've shredded my sins
and that I need to share my blessings.

Link to daily bible reading calendar (chronological - one chapter per day)
TIP: click the Bible Reference and then "more details" to get hyperlinks that open Bible Gateway

What's the big deal about Jesus?